Mail & Guardian

‘Orphan’ pension fund saga drags on

The Financial Services Board says no one has incurred financial losses and has asked the court to dismiss an employee’s case against it with costs

- Lynley Donnelly

The internecin­e war over a major project by the Financial Services Board (FSB) to cancel thousands of so-called “orphan” pension funds is continuing, with the regulatory body declaring that there is no proof that the beneficiar­ies of these funds have suffered any losses.

In recently filed court papers in the Pretoria high court, the FSB said that although some of the steps taken in closing down thousands of dormant pension funds may have had “no statutory underpinni­ng”, there is no evidence of wrongdoing, bad faith or material prejudice to anybody.

The case centres on a project by the FSB to close down the funds between 2007 and 2013.

The deputy registrar of pensions, Rosemary Hunter, took her employer, the FSB, as well as the chairperso­n of its board, Abel Sithole, plus pensions registrar Dube Tshidi and Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan to court over the handling of the cancellati­ons. She has argued that the closure of these funds has been done unlawfully, with potentiall­y billions of rands at stake.

But the FSB and Sithole have denied these accusation­s in their answering affidavit and have asked that the case be dismissed with costs.

Among her pleas was a request to release the final report of an investigat­ion by auditing firm KPMG into the closure of the funds.

The investigat­ion was done on the recommenda­tion of former Constituti­onal Court judge Kate O’Regan, who was asked by the FSB in 2014 to examine the cancellati­ons project.

Hunter was also seeking the final report by O’Regan, in which she determined that there was a risk that a court could find that the registrar acted beyond his powers.

But the FSB has now released the final KPMG and O’Regan reports, arguing that this makes Hunter’s requests moot.

Although the findings of the KPMG investigat­ion raised concerns that there may have been material financial prejudice to pension fund members, the FSB board was not satisfied with KPMG’s conclusion­s and sought a review of the firm’s report.

An assessment of the KPMG report was conducted by law firm Jonathan Mort Incorporat­ed and independen­t actuary Jeremy Andrew, and was completed in April.

In June, Mort also submitted a separate inspection report on some of the deregister­ed funds to ascertain if there was any financial prejudice to fund members. The inspection of some deregister­ed funds is still continuing.

In his affidavit, FSB chair Sithole stated that in their assessment report Mort and Andrew believed that “KPMG incorrectl­y concluded that there was a likelihood of material financial prejudice”.

After assessing the closure of 510 funds, KPMG found that in the case of 500, the registrar did not have sufficient informatio­n available to him to conclude that these funds had ceased to exist and could be closed. It estimated that the “total indicative potential financial prejudice” was just under R2.5-billion.

But Mort’s separate inspection of nine funds — or 47% of the total indicative potential financial prejudice estimated by KPMG — found this prejudice “did not in fact exist”.

“More importantl­y, the inspection report concluded that there was no material financial prejudice suffered by any member, beneficiar­y or creditor of the funds inspected,” Sithole said.

In addition, notwithsta­nding the mandate given to Mort, which did not extend to an investigat­ion of corruption, no evidence of corruption was found, Sithole said.

“I must highlight that, despite all of the investigat­ions by Ms Hunter and her staff, Justice O’Regan, KPMG, Mr Mort and Mr Andrew, nobody has come up with any evidence or even any suggestion of dishonesty, bad faith or skuldugger­y of any kind and there is as yet no evidence of any kind of any actual financial loss suffered by anybody,” Sithole said in the affidavit.

Hunter has also alleged that the manner in which the cancellati­ons project was carried out could have substantia­lly benefited large retirement industry players, whose representa­tives were appointed to these funds to close them down.

But the FSB argued that even though the appointmen­t of these representa­tives may not have had a statutory underpinni­ng, the cancellati­on of funds did not depend on the validity of their appointmen­t. These individual­s were typically employees of reputable fund administra­tors and profession­als in their own right, such as lawyers, chartered accountant­s or actuaries, and the informatio­n they provided could be relied on, it added.

In a press statement released on Tuesday, the FSB also said it rejected allegation­s that Ms Hunter was offered a “golden handshake” to buy her silence.

The board’s decision was based on the need to find “an amicable parting of ways” because of the fact that Hunter’s relationsh­ip with Tshidi and several colleagues had “irretrieva­bly” broken down, “impeding the ability of the FSB to carry our its mandate”.

KPMG did not respond to requests for comment.

 ?? Photo: David Harrison ?? Seeking clarity: Judge Kate O’Regan recommende­d an investigat­ion into the closure of the pension funds.
Photo: David Harrison Seeking clarity: Judge Kate O’Regan recommende­d an investigat­ion into the closure of the pension funds.

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