Mail & Guardian

Seoul’s cloning lab promises Fido forever

- Jung Ha-Wo

At $100 000 a head, the puppies frolicking around the fenced lawn in western Seoul don’t come cheap — but at least their owners know exactly what they are getting.

The lawn belongs to the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation, a world leader in pet cloning that has run a thriving commercial business over the past decade catering to dog owners who want to live with their pets forever.

Wi t h a c l i e n t list including princes, celebritie­s and billionair­es, the foundation offers owners protection against loss and grief with a cloning service that promises the perfect replacemen­t for a beloved pet.

Since 2006, the facility has cloned about 800 dogs, commission­ed by owners or state agencies seeking to replicate their dogs.

“These people have a very strong bond with their pets ... and cloning provides a psychologi­cal alternativ­e to the traditiona­l method of just letting the pet go and keeping their memory,” said Wang Jae-Woong, a researcher and spokesman for Sooam.

“With cloning, you have a chance to bring back the pets,” he said in the facility’s “care room” where each cloned puppy is kept in a glass-fronted, temperatur­e-controlled pen and monitored around the clock.

Ever since the milestone birth of Dolly the sheep in 1996, the rights and wrongs of cloning have been a topic of heated debate and Sooam Biotech has been regarded with particular suspicion because of its founder, Hwang Woo-Suk.

In two articles published i n the j ournal Science in 2004 and 2005, Hwang claimed to have derived stem-cell lines from cloned human embryos, a world first.

He was lauded as a hero i n South Korea before it emerged that his research was fraudulent and riddled with ethical lapses. Science retracted the papers.

Hwang was given a two-year suspended prison sentence in 2009, after being convicted of embezzleme­nt and bioethical violations.

Sooam Biotech clones many animals, including cattle and pigs for medical research and breed preservati­on, but is best known for its commercial dog service.

The process involves harvesting a mature cell from the dog to be copied and transferri­ng its DNA to a donor egg cell that has had its own genetic material removed.

The cell and the egg are “fused” with an electrical jolt, and the resulting embryo is implanted in a surrogate mother dog, which will give birth about two months later.

Despite the $100 000 price tag, requests for the service have poured in from around the world, Wang said — about half from North America.

Some have sought clones of other pets like cats, snakes and even chinchilla­s, but Wang said the demand for such animals was too small to justify the cost.

Walls around the five-storey biotech centre are adorned with photos of cloned dogs and their smiling owners — tagged with their national flags including Mexico, Dubai, Russia, Japan, China and Germany.

“[The clients] understand that a clone is an identical twin of the original pet, but also has a lot of genetic predisposi­tions and the potential to develop as the original pet,” Wang said.

One well-publicised cloning was of Trakr, a former police dog hailed as a hero after discoverin­g the last survivor of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre.

Sooam produced five clones after Trakr’s owner won a contest for the world’s most “clone-worthy” dog.

As for those who cough up the fee to be “reunited” with their pet?

“They look like they found a child that had been missing,” said head researcher Jeong Yeon-Woo.

“The moment of pure joy like that ... makes me realise again why I’m doing this.” — AFP

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