Mail & Guardian

There’s a premium on my humors

- Shaun de Waal

My recent column on odd naming convention­s went viral. Not Ebola or Zika kind of viral, or even Jo’burg winter flu kind of viral — more like asymptomat­ic herpes viral. It lurks quietly, waiting for its moment, deep down in some hepatic netherworl­d …

But that’s enough of the metaphors. My medical aid doesn’t cover metaphors. In fact, I’m in a payment gap as far as similes are concerned, too. And, when I checked the small print, I found that it won’t shell out for any figures of speech not mentioned in Aristotle’s Rhetoric.

My life insurance policy, at least, is more straightfo­rward, based as it is on what is still known in Rosicrucia­n circles as “humorism” — and we’re not talking about Trevor Noah or Kagiso Lediga here. Humorism is also known as “humoralism”, though the absence of the “u” in “humour” makes me wonder whether it hasn’t been colonised by the American imperialis­ts (or should that be “colonized”?)

Certainly the Gates Foundation, leader of American aid-imperialis­m across the world, has caused the loss of several instances of the letter “u” all over Africa. And that’s in places where literacy is relatively high. The country just west of Kenya is likely to be renamed Ganda as soon as President Yoweri Museveni signs on the dotted line.

Ouagadougo­u, the capital of Burkina Faso, will be spared the disappeara­nce of the “u”, because its use comes from the French transliter­ation of something that sounds like Wuggadoogo­o — and thank heavens for that! Without the French spelling, you might mistake the place for somewhere in the Australian Outback.

The “u” tradition is so strong in Francophon­ia, even in Outer Francophon­ia, that the Gateses’ global muscle can’t initiate a vowel shift. It remains to be seen what happens in South Africa, where much of our Sotho-Tswana language group is transliter­ated à la française, thanks to French-speaking missionari­es who got to parts of the hinterland ahead of their competitor­s from Britain and Germany.

Hence we have t he spelling “Mo s h o e s h o e ” for the famed leader of the Basotho people, but “Moshweshwe” if your ancestral area fell outside the remit of the French preachers and compilers of dictionari­es.

Back, however, to the humors or humours — key evaluation tools of the insurance industry since Hippocrate­s in the fourth century BC. The four humours are the bodily fluids that circulate through human bodies and, depending on which is dominant, will code your personalit­y as sanguine (blood dominates), choleric (yellow bile), melancholi­c (black bile) or phlegmatic (phlegm, obviously).

I’ve had so much phlegm this winter that I have been reclassifi­ed by my life insurer. I’m no longer so choleric or melancholi­c. I’m hoping I might one day be able to make the transition to sanguine, which would increase my life expectancy by at least 10 years.

Oh dear. My premiums just went up too.

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