Mail & Guardian

Reputation­s Reputation vs brand: What’s the difference?

You can pay to build your brand, but reputation must be earned

- Lucas Somo

Organisati­ons that don’t understand the difference between corporate reputation and brand are in danger of being trapped in a perpetual cycle of crises, according to Plus 94 Research chief executive Sifiso Falala.

“The first thing you expose your company to is a higher risk of reputation­al see-saw, and a crisis management culture,” he says.

“Secondly, there is no guarantee of acceptance and respect from your business stakeholde­rs. In the long term, aspects around workplace environmen­t, vision and leadership are not assured, and you are not going to be competitiv­e in attracting the best talent or innovating within your company. Sales performanc­e and sales margins will be compromise­d.”

The mistake can arise because neither brand nor reputation are physi- cal assets, though both share goals and are shaped by communicat­ion. While brand can be understood to be about stakeholde­r perception­s that can be controlled, reputation is beyond an organisati­on’s control. For example, a good brand impression can be created through a smart advertisin­g campaign, but you can’t advertise your way to a good reputation. Branding can make you relevant, while reputation makes you credible.

“A company’s brand image is the sum total of all the perception­s held by its current, past, and potential customers about the company’s products and services. ‘Brand’ has attributes such as quality, value, variety and the customer experience,” says Falala.

A reputation is far more

“Reputation is the entirety of the public’s opinion about a company’s corporate actions. In a nutshell, if brand is image plus identity, reputation is these two combined plus the character of the business, or the embodiment of the business as a person.”

Tshepo Sefotlhelo, operations d i r e c t o r a t V u ma R e p u t a t i o n Management, says that reputation can’t be bought. “You pay money to build your brand, by hiring an advertisin­g agency, for example. You cannot buy reputation. You have to earn it, and it takes time. So if you are a company that promises to be a onestop shop for solutions, you can build your reputation by fulfilling that promise.”

Conversati­ons, Media & Communicat­ions chief executive Vincent Magwenya concurs, saying that “brand” refers to customers’ experience of the product, while reputation is about how an organisati­on lives up to its commitment­s to its various stakeholde­rs. Public relations or branding exercises can never be the sum total of reputation-building for an organisati­on.

Reputation depends on the behaviour of the entire organisati­on, not just its leadership. It is that intangible impression that is made upon the mind of any person who interacts with any employee of an organisati­on, so it is a mistake to think of it as being merely the concern of management.

Magwenya says: “Managing corporate reputation is not just a functional exercise by public relations practition­ers. Corporate reputation sits at the heart of every business, and is a shared responsibi­lity of everybody in that organisati­on. The responsibi­lity ultimately sits at C-suite level.

“PR may facilitate opportunit­ies to enhance or build reputation, but the responsibi­lity sits across the business. It is in the day-to-day conduct of all employees that reputation starts to become real.”

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