Mail & Guardian

ANC should be ashamed



The sheer effrontery of Environ-mental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa’s article, “ANC decision to quit ICC is valid” (November 4) beggars belief. First, there is the credibilit­y question. In my dictionary, “valid” means soundly reasoned — her article is not. Some huge states, such as China, are not signatorie­s to the Rome Statute that engendered the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC). This makes nonsense of the “sovereignt­y” claim. Sovereign decisions are not referenced to convenient anomalies. So, that’s not valid.

Slagging off the Democratic Alliance seems to be part of this rationally reasoned standpoint. The true reason for withdrawin­g is that Molewa, like her partners in crime, does not like to follow the law.

Then we have the old chestnut that the ICC is only prosecutin­g Africans. It’s an old ANC trick to throw in racist claims when sound reasoning is not available. It could be ignorance preventing her from noting the prosecutio­n of several Balkan warlords.

The problem for Molewa and several voluble Africans is that Africa is fertile ground for despots. Her leader was cozying up to Robert Mugabe last week — the same president who sent troops to kill an estimated 20000 fellow Zimbabwean­s during the 1983 Matabelela­nd massacres. Still the ANC government courts the criminal.

Molewa and President Jacob Zuma are happy to hobnob with killers such as Sudan’s president, Omar alBashir, but they are not happy to be accountabl­e.

My favourite effrontery begins: “Far from eroding South Africa’s standing in the internatio­nal community …” The only reason this decision can’t erode South Africa’s image is that our president was there first.

If she’d read her Constituti­on she would know Section 321.

There is no provision to “get out of” internatio­nal agreements. Section 321 (5) states: “The Republic is bound by internatio­nal agreements when the Constituti­on came into effect.” The present Constituti­on dates from 1996. The ratificati­on of the ICC took place before this.

If you can muster a 66% majority vote, ANC, could you please add to the Constituti­on the right to work and the right to defend one’s property and family from the increasing lawlessnes­s in South Africa?

Otherwise, Molewa and Zuma can resign to ameliorate the bad situation in South Africa. — Tom Morgan

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