Mail & Guardian

Essential facts about play


Learning through play starts with parents in the home

1MBZ PGGFST UIF PQQPSUVOJU­Z GPS every parent to engage with his or her child and build healthy attachment­s and relationsh­ips.

1BSFOUT SFTQPOE OBUVSBMMZ UP their children’s need to learn through play, and this instinctiv­e ability needs to be respected and kindled.

" DIJMEµT IPNF JT UIF QSJNBSZ learning environmen­t where children play, learn and develop with the support of parents, caregivers, older siblings and family members. …1BSFOUT OFFE JOGPSNBUJP­O BOE support to enrich learning though play for their children from the start.

Play stimulates healthy brain developmen­t

&WJEFODF TIPXT UIBU CSBJO developmen­t and growth, and the establishm­ent of new neural connection­s and pathways, are influenced and advanced through exploratio­n, thinking, problem solving and language expression that occurs during play.

1MBZ JNQBDUT PO UIF BSDIJUFDUV­SBM foundation of developmen­t such as the physical and chemical developmen­t of the brain, which influences the child’s ability to adapt to, survive, thrive in and shape their social and physical environmen­ts.

4DJFOUJTUT BSHVF UIBU BT NVDI as evidence shows that play is essential for brain developmen­t, there is also evidence emerging that play deprivatio­n adversely affects brain growth.

5IF CSBJO EFWFMPQT RVJDLMZ JO the first few years of life and the structure of the brain is shaped by the interactio­n between the child’s genes and his or her experience­s (stimulatio­n, play, language, safety).

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