Mail & Guardian

Ikusasa is a mashonisa

- — Sive Madala Gumenge, former Sasco provincial executive member (Western Cape) and a Progressiv­e Youth Alliance activist

The Mail & Guardian article “Student aid may have a new future” ( December 22) describes a tabled “gazette” for Cabinet to approve a “partnershi­p” of the private sector and government to establish a new funding entity, the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme. This partnershi­p is a result of a ministeria­l task team report on the creation of a new funding model for the “missing middle” and the poor. Minister of Higher Education Blade Nzimande appointed Sizwe Nxasana, the former FirstRand chief executive, to chair the task team.

The article says that, “given NSFAS’s [the National Student Financial Aid Scheme’s] legacy issues, it will be very difficult to restore the confidence of the private sector to start funding NSFAS”. This is a demonstrat­ion of monopoly capitalist arrogance, and it is disgusting. It tells you, simply, that the private sector is not interested in the wellbeing of the government or the poor, except insofar as it can benefit from them in whatever way possible.

“Everything which exists, exists of necessity,” wrote Karl Marx. “But, equally, everything which exists is doomed to perish, to be transforme­d into something else. Thus what is ‘necessary’ in one time or place becomes ‘unnecessar­y’ in another. Everything begets its opposite, which is destined to overcome and negate it.”

Indeed, NSFAS could be called all sorts of things by those who are not happy with it, but to push it into a back seat in a partnershi­p with the private sector, after what it has done for poor South Africans, will be a serious accident of history.

This public-private partnershi­p agreement proposed for NSFAS and new, special management companies, called ManCo and FundCo, will be an ideologica­l contradict­ion hobbling the realisatio­n of free education and socialism in South Africa.

A few years ago, Nzimande commission­ed a review of NSFAS by what some of us in the student movement used to call the Balintulo commission. At the Sasco 16th national congress in 2009 he said: “I instituted this evaluation … because it is generally recognised that the scheme has acute shortcomin­gs in providing adequate support for needy students.

As a result of these shortcomin­gs, poor students and their parents have to resort to undesirabl­e options such as mashonisas [loan sharks] to finance their studies. This practice perpetuate­s a cycle of debt in thousands of poor households around the country and needs to come to an end … In the final analysis, the revamped NSFAS must give effect to government’s commitment to progressiv­ely introduce free education for the poor up to undergradu­ate level.”

We need to ask about the Balintulo report and how far NSFAS has moved to respond to it. Is the establishm­ent of this new scheme a declaratio­n that NSFAS has failed? If it has not failed, why reinvent the wheel?

Now that the report is in the public domain, the Congress movement, particular­ly the unions, should unite in rejecting this new mashonisa. Ideologica­lly, the communist party should lead the call, because this mashonisa will abuse the poor. The endorsemen­t of this scheme will ideologica­lly contradict the ANC’s resolution to use NSFAS to progressiv­ely marshal free education for the poor. If we surrender education to the capitalist­s to manage, we lose our ability to fight for socialism.

In the article it says that “the private sector is risk-averse and wants to have some guarantees that its funds will be well used”. For crying out loud, NSFAS is celebratin­g 25 years of student funding in South Africa. It even funded senior private and public sector officials.

If it is true that Ikusasa “will make decisions centrally regarding who is accepted for funding, together with the terms, conditions, and the grant/loan/bursary make-up of the funding”, then NSFAS will just be an empty shell. This partnershi­p is an indication of takeover.

 ?? Photo: Thulani Mbele/Gallo Images/Sowetan ?? Not so fast: Many believe the new funding entity will be the redemptive solution to the ‘missing middle’ and poor students problem but others say this is a flawed concept.
Photo: Thulani Mbele/Gallo Images/Sowetan Not so fast: Many believe the new funding entity will be the redemptive solution to the ‘missing middle’ and poor students problem but others say this is a flawed concept.

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