Mail & Guardian

Bitter exchanges sour sweet talk

The fight over the pros and cons of a proposed tax on sugar-sweetened drinks is set to be a sticky one

- Lynley Donnelly

On the way to work on Monday, I turned around to find my two-year-old sucking happily on a discarded sugar sachet, with another clutched tightly in his sticky little hand. A battle of epic proportion­s ensued as I tried to confiscate the packets, while he franticall­y shovelled as much of it down his throat as he could.

Another fight over sugar has been intensifyi­ng as the government contemplat­es a proposed 20% tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB).

The lobbies from both sides will face-off in Parliament in coming weeks at public hearings on the tax, held by the standing committee on finance and the portfolio committee on health.

In the run-up to the hearings, a new report by Priceless SA, a division of the University of the Witwatersr­and’s school of public health, was released this week, which explored fiscal policies on population health. The report was the work of a panel co-chaired by former Constituti­onal Court justice Kate O’Regan and Leila Patel, the director of the Centre for Social Developmen­t i n Africa, at the University of Johannesbu­rg.

It examined a range of measures, from tax incentives to cash subsidies, and their potential for improving health without requiring additional budgetary allocation­s. As part of its findings, it suggested that increasing taxes on alcohol and tobacco and introducin­g one on sugary drinks will have major health benefits, reduce the burden on the healthcare system and help to raise revenues.

The World Health Organisati­on (WHO) has come out in support of countries aiming to impose taxes on sugary drinks.

The WHO’s Dr Taskeen Khan, who spoke at the release of the Priceless SA report, said a 20% tax could lead to a similar reduction in consumptio­n.

The savings in healthcare are another reason to do this, according to the WHO. It estimates that, over 10 years, a tax on sugary drinks of $0.01 an ounce (28.3g) in the United States would result in $17-billion in healthcare cost savings.

The Priceless SA report does not put a number on the revenue that the tax could generate in South Africa. But Priceless SA health economist Nicholas Stacey said, based on initial estimates, a 20% tax could raise between R5-billion and R7-billion.

South Africa is not the only country considerin­g a tax on sugary drinks; the United Kingdom is among other nations planning to do so.

In 2014, Mexico implemente­d a 10% tax on sugary drinks and initial research on its effects appear to be positive. A report by the Mexican National Institute of Public Health suggested consumptio­n declined by 6% in 2014, 8% in 2015 and 11.1% in the first half of 2016. It also found that after the tax was introduced there were no reductions in the number of employees in the sugary beverage or food manufactur­ing industries, or in the downstream businesses that sold these products.

The local debate over the tax comes at a time when there is a growing discussion about the role sugar plays in our lives. Science journalist Gary Taubes is arguably leading this charge with the release of his book, The Case against Sugar.

He makes a compelling, unashamedl­y anti-sugar argument for considerin­g sugar as a “chronic toxin”, which should be seen as a major, if not the major, cause of rising obesity levels and diseases like diabetes.

He decries past dietary science, which he believes has given sugar a free pass. It has done so in part by maintainin­g the line that eating too much of everything and not expending that energy is why we get fat and sick; and for the persistent assumption that one nutrient cannot be blamed for so many chronic ailments.

There is another explanatio­n for these problems, argues Taubes, and that is sugar. According to him, it try as a result of a switch to fruit juice, while the sugar cane or corn syrup currently being used in sugary drinks could be used to produce ethanol.

Neverthele­ss, concern about the wider economic effects persist. Research by the economics consultanc­y, Econonex, using Nielsen data, suggested that demand for sugary drinks is inelastic — in other words, South Africans might not cut their consumptio­n of sugary drinks if prices rise.

A more “muted” reduction in sugary drinks will result in a lower health effect, according to the Econex authors Nicola Theron and Paula Armstrong. But even a small change in consumptio­n habits, could have negative effects, they said.

According to three different scenarios testing for price elasticity, Econex claims that each of these reduce gross domestic product growth between 0.09% and 0.1% in the first year, depending on how much consumers change their behaviour.

Proponents of the tax argue that the potential savings in healthcare justify the tax, particular­ly given that the poor have the most to lose when they get sick. As Priceless SA notes in its report, “the poor who become ill will bear a higher cost for their consumptio­n than the wealthy”.

Healthcare profession­als have also pointed out that critics of the tax have not considered the longterm increase in incomes for people that results from better health, or the fact that less disposable income goes to medical costs.

In at least one assessment of the sugar tax, done by the advisory firm KPMG, it notes that a 20% tax could save the healthcare system about R10-billion in the coming 20 years through reduced costs of treating type 2 diabetes alone.

But the trade-offs may not be easy. Sugar is ubiquitous, making its appearance in most processed foods. For many people, choosing healthier food can be expensive and, given questions of availabili­ty and access, it can also be seemingly impractica­l.

As with my son, I see many more battles over sugar to come.

“The poor who become ill will bear a higher cost for their consumptio­n than the wealthy”

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