Mail & Guardian

May’s poll bombshell a shrewd move

The prime minister seeks a clear mandate from voters to pursue her ‘hard Brexit’ agenda

- Andrew Hammond Andrew Hammond is an associate at the Centre for Internatio­nal Affairs, Diplomacy and Strategy at the London School of Economics

British Prime Minister Theresa May announced on Tuesday that she is engineerin­g a snap general election for June 8, with Brexit being the primary motivation. The unexpected announceme­nt, which signals the third United Kingdom-wide vote in two years, has taken the country by surprise following repeated denials from Downing Street that May would call an early national ballot before the next scheduled election in 2020.

The chief reason the prime minister asserted for her spectacula­r U-turn is that opposition parties are, by and large, at odds with her Brexit plan.

She told the country that she is not prepared to allow her political opponents to jeopardise the forthcomin­g exit negotiatio­ns with the European Union. In her own words, the “country is coming together, but Westminste­r is not” and what the country needs is “certainty, stability and strong leadership”.

The announceme­nt underlines the fact that May’s government will be defined by last year’s Brexit decision, which is already having profound implicatio­ns for the nation.

The specific context for the unexpected general election is the important debate across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland about what the meaning and implicatio­ns are of last June’s EU referendum. The prime minister — a reluctant Remainer who has turned into a staunch Brexiteer — has made clear her strong view that immigratio­n and sovereignt­y were the primary drivers behind the Leave campaign’s victory last year.

From this perspectiv­e, it follows that controllin­g migration flows from the EU and ending the jurisdicti­on of the European Court of Justice in the UK should therefore become the key UK objectives for the forthcomin­g Brexit negotiatio­ns.

Given the EU’s commitment to the free movement of goods, people, services and capital, this has pushed May towards a hard Brexit negotiatin­g stance, which opposition parties have expressed grave concerns about.

This “hard Brexit” will see the UK, in May’s words, discarding all “bits of the EU”. This includes membership of the 500-million-strong consumer European Single Market and of the EU Customs Union, leaving the common commercial policy and no longer being tied to the common commercial tariff.

But May’s narrative about Brexit is far from the entire picture and there were, in fact, diverse and sometimes divergent views expressed by people who voted to exit the EU last year.

Some Leave voters, for instance, including isolationa­lists, focused on the perceived costs and constraint­s of EU membership other than immigratio­n and sovereignt­y, including the issue of UK financial contributi­ons to the supranatio­nal organisati­on’s budget.

Many voters were encouraged by the claim made in the referendum that leaving the EU would mean a mammoth £350-million-a-week financial bonanza that could be ploughed back into the National Health Service. This misleading pledge has since been dropped by Brexiteers.

Others voted Leave for a vision of a buccaneeri­ng global UK that could, post-Brexit, allow the nation to secure new ties with non-EU countries, including in the AsiaPacifi­c region, the Middle East and the Americas.

Meanwhile, a significan­t slice of the electorate voted Leave as a protest against non-EU issues such as the domestic austerity measures implemente­d by UK government­s since the 2008-2009 internatio­nal financial crisis.

Contrary to what many Brexiteers now insist, the Leave vote therefore encapsulat­ed a range of sentiments. There was (and still is) not an overwhelmi­ng consensus across the nation behind any specific version of Brexit, whether hard or soft, disorderly or orderly.

The continuing divisions within the electorate on these issues are still underlined in polls that tend to show the country split over whether maintainin­g access to the European Single Market or being able to limit migration should be the key objective in negotiatio­ns.

These are the key questions that May now wants to see resolved in the election in which she is seeking her first mandate from the country as Conservati­ve Party leader. She will assume — should she win a larger majority in the House of Commons — that she has the backing of the country behind her hard Brexit stance.

May’s Conservati­ves lead strongly in polls and her gamble will be based on the premise that she can now win a huge, historic victory and call the bluff of opposition parties. This is by no means certain in what will be a potentiall­y remarkable election.

Since last year’s referendum, one factor that has become clearer is how Brexit is driving new positionin­g, and potentiall­y even new proand anti-EU electoral cleavages, by some of the UK’s main political parties with representa­tion in England, Scotland and Wales.

On one pole, the Conservati­ves are unifying around the government’s hard Brexit stance.

Like the prime minister herself, this includes many former Remainers who have now switched sides to back her vision for a hard Brexit.

The other major party with a pro-Brexit message is the United Kingdom Independen­ce Party (Ukip). Yet its vote could now be squeezed by the significan­t shift in the positionin­g of the Conservati­ves toward a hard EU exit.

Conversely, the Liberal Democrats seek to make political capital with full-out, steadfast opposition to Brexit. This stance has given the party clearer differenti­ation against many of the main UK parties, and led it in December to win a by-election victory in Richmond Park in London against the Conservati­ves when Brexit was the defining issue.

Taken overall, May’s announceme­nt underlines how Brexit is reframing the nation’s politics.

The prime minister has taken a calculated gamble on her expectatio­n that she will win on June 8, yet the Conservati­ves’ sizeable polling lead could soften during the campaign if opposition parties turn in a strong performanc­e and present an attractive “Brexit and beyond” vision for the UK that mobilises voters.

May’s gamble will be based on the premise that she can win a huge, historic victory and call the opposition’s bluff

 ?? Photo: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters ?? Out of the blue: Prime Minister Theresa May refuses to allow her political foes to imperil Britain’s exit from the European Union, and has called an early election as a result.
Photo: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters Out of the blue: Prime Minister Theresa May refuses to allow her political foes to imperil Britain’s exit from the European Union, and has called an early election as a result.

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