Mail & Guardian

Refugees have an equal right to healthcare

The health department recognises this but not everyone, including asylum seekers, knows this

- Bongani Majola

June 20 is World Refugee Day. There are about 65.6-million forcibly displaced people, and 22.5-million internatio­nal refugees, the recent report by the United Nations High Commission­er for Refugees states.

South Africa is host to a refugee population from many parts of the African continent and beyond. They are fleeing persecutio­n, civil conflict and wars that threaten life and limb. Refugees and asylum seekers here face a number of problems and access to healthcare is arguably one of the most pressing.

Under internatio­nal human rights laws such as the 1951 Refugee Convention and its accompanyi­ng protocol, refugees and asylum seekers are entitled to adequate, accessible, timely and efficient healthcare.

This is echoed by another internatio­nal human rights instrument, the Universal Declaratio­n of Human Rights. The Internatio­nal Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights establishe­s the right of everyone to the highest attainable standard of health possible. South Africa is party to all three internatio­nal instrument­s.

The principles in these internatio­nal treaties are embodied in the Constituti­on. Section 27 says “everyone has the right to access to healthcare”. The provision requires that healthcare services be provided to people on the basis of nondiscrim­ination and in keeping with equality. This notion was reiterated by the courts in Khosa and Others vs Minister of Social Developmen­t and Others and in the matter of Mahlaule and Another vs Minister of Social Developmen­t and Others.

According to the Constituti­onal Court, the word “everyone” in this section “cannot be construed as referring only to citizens”. Had the legislator intended to limit healthcare rights to citizens, it would have worded the section accordingl­y, as it did with political rights contained in section 19 and citizenshi­p rights in section 20.

This Constituti­onal obligation is given effect to in section 27(g) of the Refugees Act, which says a refugee is entitled to the same basic health services and basic education that the citizens of the republic receive.

As with many facets of South African society, the realisatio­n of the right of refugees to healthcare lags behind the constituti­onal provision. The Constituti­on provides for adequate healthcare for the indigent, mandating the state to actualise this right through publicly funded healthcare for the poor. In spite of this clear directive from the Constituti­on, many inhabitant­s of rural areas and residents of urban and peri-urban townships, including refugees and asylum seekers, continue to struggle to access adequate healthcare.

Refugees and asylum seekers face a peculiar disadvanta­ge in accessing healthcare. This is partly owing to their lack of social and cultural capital, including language, familiarit­y with local bureaucrac­y and the requisite social cues, manners and behavioura­l patterns that locals of similar social locations possess. This is compounded by xenophobia and discrimina­tion. Refugees and asylum seekers are often denied access to healthcare because of their nationalit­y.

In cases where they were treated, refugees and asylum seekers were often charged internatio­nal fees, according to a report by Human Rights Watch. This is despite the fact that the law provides for refugees and asylum seekers to be treated in the same manner as South Africans.

The department of health has tried to correct the structural barriers arising out of the lack of awareness of some healthcare facilities about the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. It issued a directive to public health facilities on September 19 2007 instructin­g healthcare practition­ers of the legal obligation to provide services to refugees and asylum seekers, in keeping with their rights under the Constituti­on and the Refugees Act.

The directive says that asylum seekers and refugees — with or without permits — are entitled to: basic healthcare; are exempted from paying for antiretrov­iral treatment services, irrespecti­ve of the site or level of institutio­n where these services are rendered; and should be charged medical fees in accordance with their financial means.

Notwithsta­nding the actions of the department of health, some structural barriers persist. One such barrier is the intersecti­on of poverty, the status of refugees and asylum seekers as displaced persons and gender, which places refugee and asylumseek­ing women at a far greater disadvanta­ge in accessing healthcare.

There have been instances when non-national women, despite their immigratio­n status, are denied access to reproducti­ve healthcare. A tragic example is that of a Zimbabwean left to give birth unassisted at Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital two years ago. She lost her baby.

It is the recognitio­n of the peculiarit­y of the situation of refugees, and the need to fashion an equal and cohesive society, that necessitat­ed the constituti­onal provision that grants refugees and asylum seekers the right to basic necessitie­s for a decent life, such as the right to adequate healthcare. This right is limited only by resource constraint­s.

By obliging the state to give the same standard of healthcare to refugees and asylum seekers as it does to South Africans, the Constituti­on is envisaging a society free from inequality, discrimina­tion and xenophobia.

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