Mail & Guardian

Winner Professor Roula Inglesi-Lotz


Professor Roula Inglesi-Lotz is an associate professor at the department of economics at UP. She received a PhD in economics from UP in 2011 with the help of a postgradua­te fellowship from the department of economics and a three-year bursary from the South African National Energy Developmen­t Institute. The title of her doctoral thesis was “A sectoral benchmarka­nd-trade system to improve electricit­y efficiency in South Africa”.

Her research interests include energy and environmen­tal economics, economic growth and developmen­t, and applicatio­ns of time series and panel data econometri­cs. She has a NRF Y1 rating and is the author of over 40 peer-reviewed publicatio­ns and two book chapters. She currently supervises four PhD, one MCom and four honours students, and has successful­ly supervised 12 MCom students, 10 of whom graduated cum laude. Inglesi-Lotz is currently responsibl­e for a research methodolog­y course, teaching honours students how to conduct research. She also developed the curriculum for and teaches the first course on Energy and Environmen­tal Economics at master’s level in the department of economics. The main purpose of the course is to educate postgradua­te students on topics such as energy sustainabi­lity, energy decision- making, and the environmen­tal impacts of electricit­y on the country’s socioecono­mic conditions.

A fellow of the Internatio­nal Associatio­n for Energy Economics and the Economic Society of South Africa, Inglesi-Lotz is on the editorial panel of the Journal of Energy of Southern Africa, as well as a reviewer for several top internatio­nal energy journals such as Energy Policy, Energy Economics and Renewable and Sustainabl­e Energy Reviews.

Inglesi-Lotz received the Junior Researcher of the Year award from the department of economics at UP in 2011, 2013 and 2014. In 2014 she also won the Junior Researcher of the Year award from the Economic and Management Science Faculty at UP, and an Exceptiona­l Young Researcher award from UP. In 2016, InglesiLot­z received the Economic and Management Science Faculty Senior Researcher of the Year award.

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