Mail & Guardian

Tshwane University of Technology offers progressiv­e curriculum from certificat­es, diplomas and up to doctoral degrees

Qualificat­ions must remain relevant in the rapidly changing job market

- Sifiso Atomza Buthelezi

The past few years have seen the rise of the student. #FeesMustFa­ll raised awareness of the issues students were facing with regards to educationa­l institutio­ns and the ministry of higher education. Behind the scenes, the introducti­on of the Higher Education Qualificat­ions Sub-Framework (HEQSF) in the higher education sector requires all public and private higher education institutio­ns (HEIs), including Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) to develop new curriculum for all their qualificat­ions to ensure that alignment with the HEQSF is gradually being implemente­d.

This means that public HEIs are required to submit programme applicatio­ns to the department of higher education and training (DHET) for: a new academic qualificat­ion in a new field of study; for a new academic qualificat­ion in an approved field of study; for a new major field of study in an approved academic qualificat­ion; and for name changes/ amendments to existing academic qualificat­ions. These programme submission­s regarding the curriculum of institutio­ns influence the direction they are going in.

In 2013 the government promulgate­d a new higher education framework that changed the nature of qualificat­ions previously designated for technikons and universiti­es. “Technikons” became universiti­es of technology, and were no longer restricted to offering diplomas; they now offer a larger range of qualificat­ions, including degree programmes. Any accredited institutio­n may now offer any qualificat­ion mix, including degrees and vocational training, according to their capability to meet framework standards.

Professor Stanley Mukhola, who is the deputy vice-chancellor in charge of teaching, learning and technology, explains that the process includes the phasing out of the old Nated programmes and name changes to qualificat­ions programmes on offer. This is to help graduates remain relevant in the job market: as of 2019, no institutio­n will be allowed to offer any programmes outside of the Council of Higher Education (CHE) accredited programmes. There was a trend in the cities where some licensed institutio­n were (and still are) offering bogus qualificat­ions. These qualificat­ions, which are not accredited with the CHE, are useless in the South African job market — thus discernmen­t is advised when choosing higher education institutio­ns and qualificat­ions.

It is vital for students and parents to acquaint themselves with the trajectory that the preferred institutio­n of study has designated itself to take. Institutio­ns of higher learning add programmes based upon the advice they receive, research into what industries require and to strategica­lly position themselves and their graduates in the job market. Should a university wish to offer programmes in a new field of study, it needs to obtain ministeria­l approval to do so. The department of academic planning, monitoring and evaluation will assess the business plan and make recommenda­tions to the minister based on their evaluation. It is only after ministeria­l approval for the programme/s in the new field/s of study is obtained that a university can submit an applicatio­n for a new academic qualificat­ion to the DHET, for considerat­ion by the Programme and Qualificat­ion Mix (PQM) clearance committee.

Because the job market is subject to the forces of supply and demand, there are many concerns regarding degree qualificat­ions losing their value. TUT and other such institutio­ns regulate their qualificat­ions to comprise in-demand skills, mostly in engineerin­g and ICT. Enrolments in the humanities are restricted so as not to flood the market and perpetuate unemployme­nt. Thirty-five percent of students must enrol in the sciences and technologi­es fields, as required by government regulation, and based upon profession­s that require such skills. There is a big demand for qualificat­ions in the education field, and this programme is encouraged among the humanities applicants.

All qualificat­ions, from diplomas all the way up to doctorate level, have been reviewed and designed with the help of industry through advisory committees. These committees meet at least once a year to ensure the continued relevance of the content offered. There is a strong emphasis in all institutes to offer vocational qualificat­ions that prepare students for the world of work. Students in universiti­es of technology are required to complete a stipulated number of hours of practical experience before obtaining a qualificat­ion through a course credit system. This qualifies them as mid-level workers, with the option to further their studies and upgrade their qualificat­ions with ease, while also addressing the pressing issue of skilling.

Placing a high emphasis on the academic qualificat­ions of the academic staff helps institutio­ns such as TUT prepare for the introducti­on of the new PQM. Lecturers need to be discipline­d specialist­s as well as specialist teachers who fully understand the contexts in which they are working.

Lecturing as a form of teaching is a specialise­d activity, and requires that the lecturer have access to a broad and deep range of knowledge. This includes accommodat­ing the learning needs of a diverse range of students. “Lecturers need to be taught how to teach,” says Mukhola. “It is not enough to be familiar with the content; lecturers need to be empowered to learn how to effectivel­y teach and apply the content ... Competent learning (and teaching) is always a mix of the theoretica­l and the practical.”

The revision of qualificat­ions is aimed at empowering students and ensuring that what they study remains relevant in the fastapproa­ching Fourth Industrial Revolution. As industries converge and the world becomes increasing­ly globalised, institutio­ns of higher education have a duty to position themselves in this dynamic world environmen­t and predict the world of work in the future. They must focus on problem-solving through skilling and knowledge, through current qualificat­ions and courses and those to be introduced in 2019. TUT is at the forefront of this revolution.

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 ??  ?? Professor Stanley Mukhola
(above) says that TUT regulates its qualificat­ions to comprise in-demand skills, mostly in engineerin­g and ICT. Students in universiti­es of technology (left) are required to complete a stipulated number of hours of practical...
Professor Stanley Mukhola (above) says that TUT regulates its qualificat­ions to comprise in-demand skills, mostly in engineerin­g and ICT. Students in universiti­es of technology (left) are required to complete a stipulated number of hours of practical...

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