Mail & Guardian

ANC applies the Ronaldo principle

Trophies trump principle in the cynical game of politics as the election lists remain loaded with Guptarites

- Paddy Harper

Wto have had no effect on Juve coach Massimo Allegri’s selection of the player. Ronaldo is too valuable, both in euros invested in him and earned from TV and in goals and assists, to be suspended until the allegation­s against him are tested in court. It’s cynical, but so is profession­al football at this level: profits — trophies — come before principle.

I guess the ANC has done something of a Juve regarding its lists for the May 8 national and provincial elections.

The governing party has, despite earlier indication­s that it might do the right thing, played the “innocent until proven otherwise” card and fielded a team that is pretty populated with leaders caught, it seems, with their fingers in the till.

The ANC had indicated that its lists would be vetted by the party’s integrity committee, implying that those tainted by the scandals around the Gupta family, Bosasa and other corrupt networks brought to light since the last election might not make it back to Parliament or the legislatur­es.

Not a bad idea. The perfect way, in fact, to show the voting public that the party is serious about acting against the corrupt elements within its own ranks — that principle would, at last, be placed before profit.

I hit the TV remote, keen to see whether the Dagga Party had made the cut-off for registrati­on.

ANC secretary general Ace Magashule is on the screen.

Magashule appears more than a little chuffed as he informs the media that the only candidates culled from the ANC’S lists for the National Assembly, the National Council of Provinces and provincial legislatur­es are those who had criminal records of jail sentences of 12 months or longer without the option of a fine.

Candidates facing criminal charges or implicated by the Zondo commission into state capture or any of the other commission­s appointed by President Cyril Ramaphosa were left to decide for themselves whether they should remain on the list.

“Difficult conversati­ons” have, Magashule says, been held with those facing charges or fingered at the Zondo or other commission­s, but, ultimately, the choice was theirs.

“They are all there,” he rasps happily in response to questions as to whether current and former Cabinet members implicated in corruption, such as Malusi Gigaba, Nomvula Mokonyane, Mosebenzi Zwane and Bathabile Dlamini, had made the list.

Magashule appears unperturbe­d by the prospect that including the Bosasa Brigade and the Gupta Gang on the list might cause a backlash from voters.

“I’m not sure,” he says, adding that people “understand” and “love” the ANC.

The response is, on one level, maddening — an indication that the ANC either doesn’t give a toss what the voters think of the quality of its candidates, or believes that blind loyalty and continued patronage will stretch to another quarter century, or at least five years.

Risky and cynical, but this is politics.

Then again, Ace’s smug look is understand­able, if the theory that his faction in the ANC is planning to call a vote of no confidence against Ramaphosa within the party and Parliament to cut short his term — and the clean-up of the state — is true.

If it is all about “five years, comrades”, to use Magashule’s own words, reorganisi­ng the Zuma faction in the ANC as part of a longerterm fightback, then loading the list with as many of its own people as possible despite the risk of a public backlash makes absolute sense.

I guess the ANC has done something of a

Juve regarding its lists for the

May 8 national and provincial elections

 ??  ?? Profits first: Cristiano Ronaldo still plays for Juventus, despite facing rape allegation­s. Photo: Marco Canoniero/lightrocke­t via Getty Images
Profits first: Cristiano Ronaldo still plays for Juventus, despite facing rape allegation­s. Photo: Marco Canoniero/lightrocke­t via Getty Images
 ??  ??

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