Mail & Guardian

Disaster vs separation of powers

The Democratic Alliance’s court case is about much more than an esoteric question of constituti­onal law

- Franny Rabkin

Seven weeks into the Covid-19 lockdown, the voices calling for its end have become louder and shriller, none more so than that of the Democratic Alliance, which now has four court cases on the go, challengin­g different aspects of the lockdown.

Whatever one feels about the public utterances of the DA’S leaders, this should not detract from the significan­ce of the court cases — in particular its Constituti­onal Court challenge to the Disaster Management Act, which raises crucial questions about the separation of powers, a foundation­al value of the Constituti­on.

The doctrine of the separation of powers holds that there are three arms of state: the legislatur­e, the executive and the judiciary. Each has — as laid out in the Constituti­on — different powers, which operate as a constraint on the power of the others. The legislatur­e — the elected representa­tives — has a special place in the constituti­onal order because it is the arm of the state most directly accountabl­e to the people — through regular, free and fair elections.

But the official opposition says section 27 of the Disaster Management Act denudes Parliament of its constituti­onal roles: to legislate and to oversee the executive. Section 27 empowers a Cabinet member — the minister of cooperativ­e governance and traditiona­l affairs — to declare a national state of disaster and to make regulation­s under it. It allows for the creation of “something like a state of emergency”, but without the safeguard of parliament­ary oversight, says the DA.

“For seven weeks, the country has existed under what can only be described as a de facto state of emergency, and will continue to do so for the foreseeabl­e future. South Africans have been locked up in their houses. Businesses have been precluded from operating. Thousands have been arrested. A curfew had been imposed while the army, 76 000 strong, patrols the streets outside. And yet the president has not declared a state of emergency under section 37 of the Constituti­on, and Parliament has been given no say in any of this,” said DA leader John Steenhuise­n.

In a notice to the highest court that it would oppose the applicatio­n, the presidency said on Tuesday the applicatio­n for direct access should be dismissed immediatel­y.

The notice — from the state attorney on behalf of President Cyril Ramaphosa and Cooperativ­e Governance and Traditiona­l Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-zuma — did not answer the DA’S case in detail but said the party had overlooked the fact that Parliament’s rules had “ample provisions” to allow it the scrutinise the lockdown laws.

“The rules of Parliament provide mechanisms for the oversight of the executive. It is not required that every piece of legislatio­n must establish its own oversight mechanisms,” said the notice.

Steenhuise­n argued that the Act took away the legislativ­e authority of Parliament. Although the Constituti­on allowed the executive to make regulation­s “to fill in” the detail of legislatio­n passed by Parliament, this is not what is happening here, says Steenhuise­n.

“At the stroke of a pen, the minister and her delegees can lock citizens in their homes, outlaw visiting friends and family, criminalis­e outdoor exercise in the afternoon, close the nation’s borders, ban commercial flights, prohibit night-time public transport, outlaw gatherings, ban open-toe shoes and even mothball entire industries. Indeed, they have done every one of these things under the Covid regulation­s.”

Steenhuise­n accepted in his affidavit that Parliament would not be able to predict ahead of time what kind of national disaster would strike and that, at such times, the government has to move fast. But it would then be essential to put oversight mechanisms in place “to preserve the proper balance between Parliament and the executive”.

This is what happens when a state of emergency has been declared, he said. Under a state of emergency, any regulation­s may later be invalidate­d by Parliament. “These checks and balances are strikingly absent here,” said Steenhuise­n.

But the notice to oppose said the delegation of legislativ­e powers in the Disaster Management Act was “entirely justified” — the whole point of the legislatio­n is to allow the executive “to respond promptly, comprehens­ively and effectivel­y to any variety of unforeseen national disasters”.

It is wrong, said the government, to compare a state of disaster to a state of emergency because, under an emergency, people’s rights are suspended. Under a state of disaster, no one’s rights are suspended and any limitation of rights must be justifiabl­e under the Constituti­on.

Ramaphosa and Dlamini-zuma also dispute that the case should be heard by the highest court. They say an identical case has been launched in the high court — “they should not be allowed to litigate the same issue in two courts at the same time”.

The Constituti­onal Court applicatio­n is one of four court cases by the DA on the lockdown. There is also the high court challenge to certain specific lockdown regulation­s — including the jogging restrictio­ns, the public transport restrictio­ns and the curfew and a high court challenge to the use of race, black economic empowermen­t status, gender and other such criteria in dispensing Covid-19 relief to small businesses. The DA, to be on the safe side, has also brought to the high court the same case it has brought in the Constituti­onal Court — in case the Concourt rejects them on direct access.

The cases on the role of Parliament — identical in the high court and the Constituti­onal Court — are different to the challenges to specific aspects of the lockdown. In the Constituti­onal Court case, the merits and demerits of specific regulation­s are not in issue, the issue is a bigger one: on the role of the legislatur­e during a state of disaster.

In terms of an immediate effect on people’s lives — it is the high court case (on jogging and curfews) that will affect us most. But with SA moving rapidly toward level three and with changes happening even to the level four regulation­s, this case may get overtaken by events. On Tuesday, the day the government was asked to answer to the case, the state attorney said the government would only be able to respond by Thursday.

Things are fluid at the moment, but all indication­s are that we will be moving between levels of disaster for the foreseeabl­e future. This means the powers of the executive, relative to the other arms of state, during this time is not an obscure question of constituti­onal philosophy.

Whatever one feels about the utterances of the DA, this should not detract from the significan­ce of the court cases

 ?? Photo: GCIS ?? ‘Ample provision’: The Democratic Alliance argues that the Disaster Management Act removes Parliament’s legislativ­e authority but President Cyril Ramaphosa disagrees.
Photo: GCIS ‘Ample provision’: The Democratic Alliance argues that the Disaster Management Act removes Parliament’s legislativ­e authority but President Cyril Ramaphosa disagrees.

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