Mail & Guardian

How to support women’s health

Policymake­rs must make contracept­ives and abortion easier to to access to give women power over their health

- Shannon Kowalski

The Covid-19 crisis has disrupted almost every aspect of life, but not sex. Both wanted and unwanted intimacy occurs during a pandemic. With reduced mobility and less access to clinics and hospitals, ensuring quality and timely reproducti­ve healthcare is more important than ever.

The virus has highlighte­d stark inequities in medicine — and not only in emergency care. Even before Covid-19, adolescent girls, migrants, minorities, people with disabiliti­es, and LGBTQI+ people faced discrimina­tion in doctors’ waiting rooms.

The crisis is an opportunit­y for policymake­rs to support initiative­s that give women and girls more power over their immediate needs and improve access to critical services in the long term.

The first priority is to make oral contracept­ives available over the counter. This will increase safety, access and use. In most countries, a prescripti­on is required, which prevents women from being fully in control of their bodies. This may also interfere with a patient’s access to care free of abuse or privacy violations. This is especially true for teenagers, gender-nonconform­ing people, domestic-violence victims, and others who fear discrimina­tion or disrespect in clinical settings.

The benefits of making contracept­ives more widely available far outweigh the low risks. Evidence shows that women and gender nonconform­ing people can screen themselves for counter indication­s using simple checklists that accompany medication.

Permitting people to obtain a year’s supply of contracept­ives, so they can self-administer injectable­s such as Depo-provera would benefit those in violent situations and others who may struggle to access healthcare. Eliminatin­g third-party authorisat­ion requiremen­ts and lowering costs for contracept­ives would help, too.

Second, we must make abortion more accessible. Regressive policies and recent lockdowns have made inclinic abortions less available, even though this is an essential medical procedure. Policymake­rs can and should take simple steps to eliminate unnecessar­y obstacles to abortion using pills, which would expand women’s freedom and reduce clinic visits.

Medical abortions are safe and effective. Millions of women selftermin­ate pregnancie­s every year, whether using a combinatio­n of mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l, or misoprosto­l alone. There is no need for an office visit.

People seeking abortions can assess whether they are eligible, follow instructio­ns on correct dosages and determine if the abortion is successful. All they need is accurate informatio­n, medication and access to back-up healthcare if necessary.

The best way to increase abortion access is to make mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l available over the counter. At a minimum, policymake­rs should make them easier to attain through telemedici­ne. This is viable and safe as long as consumers are educated about what to expect and can receive post-abortion care without judgment, stigma or fear of prosecutio­n. People who self-manage their abortions should not be harassed or penalised.

Quality maternal care also is crucial for women in the coronaviru­s era. Pregnant women face the same stresses as everyone in a pandemic. They face possible job insecurity, loss of income, health-coverage changes and threats to their health. And then there are unique concerns about the health of their foetuses and newborns.

In many places, overburden­ed healthcare systems can’t provide pregnant women with the level of maternal care they expected — and received — before the pandemic. To address this gap, practition­ers should help pregnant women practice greater self-care by providing the right tools and informatio­n, such as telemedici­ne, online education, home visits by midwives and other providers, psychosoci­al support and ample screening.

These measures will ensure that pregnant women can better monitor their own health, manage common symptoms, identify signs of complicati­ons and know when to seek care. And when they do, they must be able to travel to healthcare facilities, even where lockdowns are enforced. This means ensuring emergency transport and personal protective equipment for pregnant women and those who accompany them.

Moreover, policymake­rs should expand initiative­s that demedicali­se birth. Attended home births for low-risk pregnancie­s, the guaranteed presence of midwives, dedicated birthing facilities linked to tertiary care and home visits for antenatal care help to ensure safer deliveries for mothers and providers alike. Many countries have emphasised institutio­nal care, even though demedicali­sing childbirth is beneficial in the best of times, not just in a crisis.

We must avoid enacting knee-jerk measures. It would be regressive to restrict or ban partners or doulas from labour; separate infants from mothers who have, or are suspected to have, Covid-19; or interfere with early skin-to-skin contact, including breastfeed­ing. The World Health Organisati­on has urged providers to refrain from such measures while caring for pregnant women, parents and infants. This is critical to prevent an increase in obstetric violence or worse outcomes for women and their newborns.

Government­s that do not eliminate barriers to care risk fractured health systems that cannot tend to everyone’s needs. In the long term, investment­s in self-empowermen­t will strengthen health systems and the quality of care. With education and support, people can manage their sexual and reproducti­ve healthcare needs. Policymake­rs need to give them the power and tools to do so. — Project Syndicate

Shannon Kowalski is director of advocacy and policy at the Internatio­nal Women’s Health Coalition

 ?? Photo: Phil Walter/getty Images ?? Accessible abortion: The drug mifepristo­ne (above) allows women to self-terminate their pregnancie­s.
Photo: Phil Walter/getty Images Accessible abortion: The drug mifepristo­ne (above) allows women to self-terminate their pregnancie­s.

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