Mail & Guardian


Programme manager of the clinical research division at the Aurum Institute


ovid- threw many lives and livelihood­s into disarray and resulted in over deaths in South Africa alone. espite this, Tania Adonis chooses to focus on the strengths that have been e posed by the pandemic in the clinical trials and research space. As the programme manager at the Aurum Institute an organisati­on dedicated to researchin­g, supporting and implementi­ng innovative, integrated approaches to global health — Adonis’s position comes with an enormous responsibi­lity, which includes supporting four clinical research centres in Tembisa, Rustenburg and


“The Covid- pandemic forced the clinical research fraternity to become PRUH HIˋFLHQW DQG ZH ZHUH DEOH WR move from concept to emergencyu­se authorisat­ion in a matter of months, and this is largely due to FROODERUDW­LYH ZRUN ODUJH ˋQDQFLDO investment­s, new adaptive platforms and clinical protocol designs. ur regulatory framework has also been strengthen­ed and is able to fast track review of approval of critical clinical trials, as has our monitoring system,” says Adonis.

She was the coordinato­r for the Janssen Covid- clinical trial which enrolled about participan­ts in less than a month. The Aurum Institute was the main research partner to the

orth West department of health in the Sisonke phase b open label implementa­tion study in which almost half a million healthcare workers were vaccinated.

While full of optimism, Adonis says she misses direct human contact, particular­ly travelling to testing sites. Like most researcher­s, Adonis is concerned by the slow pace of vaccinatio­ns and even more troubled by the anti-vaccinatio­n sentiment. “As a research organisati­on, we do outreach programmes and provide vaccine education. Unfortunat­ely, we are often restricted to the provinces and the communitie­s in which we work. We still have a very long way to go. I feel that a lot more can be put into vaccine education. When you look at the myths and misconcept­ions that are circulatin­g with regards to vaccines, you realise that there is a big gap to EH ˋOOHG 3HRSOH ZDQW LQIRUPDWLR­Q DQG we need to provide the correct facts and educate them as much as we can,” she says.

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