Mail & Guardian

Mainstream­ing ESG practices: Stakeholde­r engagement and social performanc­e key to long-term returns in African mining industry

Good stakeholde­r engagement is about really listening – ESG considerat­ions have been ignored for the most part by the industry


With many businesses across the world being pressured to integrate environmen­tal, social and governance (ESG) principles into their daily operations, the African mining industry must shift its business strategy to focus on ESG performanc­e and increased returns on stakeholde­r interests, rather than on pure shareholde­r interest. This was according to a panel of experts speaking at the Mainstream­ing ESG performanc­e in Fragile Mining Jurisdicti­ons webinar on 13 April 2022. The webinar was hosted by Good Governance Africa (GGA) in partnershi­p with Mail & Guardian, and with GGA Executive director, Chris Maroleng, moderating the panel discussion.

According to Maroleng and the speakers, the importance of ESG performanc­e in the mining industry is critical for mining activities to be successful in the long term. “The extractive business is an intrusive business, and by its very nature and necessity, it has to devise a process of managing risks and building resilience,” said Deji Haastrup, Chief Consultant and CEO of Strategic Communicat­ions Solutions. “The business goals and stakeholde­r interests can be integrated, and they are integral to the longterm success of mining activities.”

Stakeholde­r interests and inclusive communicat­ion

According to Haastrup, the extractive industry must focus on improving its returns on stakeholde­rs’ interests. He defines stakeholde­rs as “key groups in society who may have a direct, or not so direct, impact on the success of the business”. These groups include government­s, citizens, employees, trade unions and civil society organisati­ons; their attitude toward the mining industry impacts the performanc­e of specific firms operating within the industry in any given jurisdicti­on.

An intent focus on incorporat­ing ESG practices plays an integral part in securing better returns for stakeholde­rs, and thus for the future of the mining industry, according to Adam Matthews, the Chief Responsibl­e Investment Officer of the Church of England Pensions Board. “If ESG is simply a tick-box exercise, then we’re going to fail,” said Matthews. “It’s not going to be easy, but the prize is that if we can work together on this, you can get to a sector that we all have confidence in, that will meet the needs of society in the low carbon transition, and it will be one that will be profitable for the owners, countries and societies in which they operate.”

Realising this kind of ESG integratio­n can, however, only stem from open engagement with stakeholde­rs, according to Tracey Cooper, Executive Director of Mining Dialogues 360°. “Good stakeholde­r engagement is about listening. It’s about removing your preconceiv­ed ideas and your prejudices and really listening, hearing what people are saying to you,” Cooper commented. She stated that good quality engagement requires an understand­ing of the complex context from which stakeholde­rs view the industry. This was confirmed by Haastrup, who commented: “When local communitie­s ask the questions they ask, they’re asking from the perspectiv­e of history.”

The price of faulty ESG integratio­n

According to Maroleng, ESG considerat­ions have been ignored for the most part throughout history. “Unethical firms, unfortunat­ely, prefer to externalis­e social and environmen­tal costs, and deterrence against such behaviour was seemingly inefficien­t. This led to wide-scale environmen­tal degradatio­n and abuse of human rights.” Maroleng used this as a segue to direct the conversati­on towards how ESG principles may fruitfully apply in difficult operating contexts.

The impact of offloading negative externalit­ies, for instance, can be seen acutely in fragile mining jurisdicti­ons such as Mozambique and Zimbabwe. In Mozambique, the stakeholde­rs — as Haastrup defined them — are often viewed as nuisances, according to Dr David Matsinhe, a researcher at Amnesty Internatio­nal. “When these community consultati­ons happen, they are not meaningful. They’re not genuine; they’re often manipulate­d in favour of certain political elites, in partnershi­p with the mining companies.” This creates a surplus of people in the mining areas who can’t be absorbed into the industry and choose to take destructiv­e paths in response, according to Matsinhe.

The situation in Mozambique is very similar to the one in Zimbabwe, according to Dr Ibbo Mandaza, Executive Chairman of the Southern African Political Economy Series: “Mining in Zimbabwe has been a foreign imposition at the point of a gun from the very outset. Up to now, it is still the corporatio­ns that were establishe­d at the turn of the 20th century who still dominate mining in Zimbabwe.”

According to Maroleng, the situations in Zimbabwe and Mozambique showcase why there is a real need for better management of ESG risks in the African mining sector. Cooper echoed this sentiment and again brought emphasis to the importance of dialogues between stakeholde­rs, including communitie­s: “The problem is that the ongoing weakness of these consultati­ve processes or dialogues with community stakeholde­rs translate into weak implementa­tion. And so, we’re continuing to perpetuate the cycles of discontent, distrust and

increasing protests that are taking place.”

Where to begin

During the discussion, Busisipho Siyobi, the lead researcher in the Natural Resource Governance Programme at GGA, outlined three best practices that could improve management of ESG risks. Siyobi stated that the businesses’ issues-identifica­tion process needs to be informed by the communitie­s’ needs and the developmen­tal goals that the community wishes to achieve. Secondly, she said that the assessment and prioritisa­tion of issues in these mining communitie­s should be led by the context of the community and not by a “one size fits all” approach.

Lastly, Siyobi again placed emphasis on stakeholde­r engagement: “I think it is integral that there is an appropriat­e identifica­tion of all relevant and interested stakeholde­rs who will be affected by ESG performanc­e by mining companies.”

Matthews said that if the mining industry manages to effectivel­y cooperate with its stakeholde­rs and focus on mainstream­ing ESG performanc­e, the future of the industry and the fragile contexts in which it operates will be bright.

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