Mail & Guardian



Visual artist and researcher: University of Johannesbu­rg in partnershi­p with Cambridge University

MNQNX\F 1NQF NX F [NXZFQ FWYNXY FSI XYTW^YJQQJW 8MJ NX NSܫZJSHJI by the nuances of memory, brought about by the sensory exploratio­ns of personal ob ects how the touch of an intimate ob ect can evo e a recollecti­on of senses, imaginatio­n FSI JRTYNTS -JW \TWP GWNSLX YT QNKJ YMJ XUJHNܪH SFWWFYN[JX NIJSYNܪJI by the personal connection­s between the ob ect and the person. -JW FWY\TWP GJHTRJX F WJܫJHYNTS TK YMJ JRTYNTSFQ MNXYTW^ GJY\JJS them. ila wor s across multiple discipline­s such oil and acrylic painting, installati­ons and performanc­e art, while using a variety of mediums in her wor that include animal s in, beading, wood, paper, photograph­y, video and poetry. ila received her master s degree in art history from hodes niversity and honours in HZWFYNSL FY 2NHMFJQNX 8HMTTQ TK &WY :SN[JWXNY^ TK (FUJ 9T\S

he is currently in residence at niversity of ohannesbur­g, in partnershi­p with ambridge niversity. —Carol Chamberlai­n

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