Mail & Guardian


Opera soloist: Cape Town Opera


rittany mith is a living example of what happens when a talented woman pushes through the barriers of self doubt FSI KJFWX TK STY ܪYYNSL NS XMJ Glossoms into a profession­al FSI ܫTZWNXMJX FX XMJ ITJX what she loves for a living. mith is an opera singer for ape Town Opera, which employed her as a young artist only to promote her shortly afterwards. he studied for six years at the niversity of ape Towns outh frican (TQQJLJ TK 2ZXNH XUJHNFQNXN­SL NS TUJWF KTQQT\JI G^ F UTXYLWFIZF­YJ HJWYNܪHFYJ NS FI[FSHJI TUJWF XYZINJX .S F SJFW INXFXYJW 8RNYM contracted tuberculos­is only cm below her vocal chords. This put both her career and her life in eopardy, but fortunatel­y she recovered. ushing through the trials of this adversity was worth it.

he describes the feeling of opening her mouth to sing opera as freedom and bliss . miths biggest piece of advice is to never underestim­ate the power you have within yourself, as it is unfathomab­ly great.

—Jennifer orthington-smith

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