Mail & Guardian



raduateint­ern: nrastructu­re outh rica

JQUNSL YT ܪ] 8TZYM &KWNHF NXSѢY FX MFWI FX \J YMNSP XF^X Comfort atoti. is ob ith nfrastruct­ure outh frica has sho n him that good things can happen. t only needs illingness and dedication to action, he says. hich is good ne s, because atoti is an intern helping to implement outh fricas

ational nfrastruct­ureplan . eprovides technical assistance to identify and plan the huge infrastruc­ture pro ects outh frica so desperatel­y needs.

es currently orking ith some municipali­ties on electricit­y,

ater, sanitation, education, health and human settlement pro ects. ventually, he hopes to help to transform this country and its people.

atoti has already learned not to underestim­ate his po er to make a difference. n he closed his o n constructi­on company because he uestioned his abilities. n hindsight, he believes he could have succeeded, instead of temporaril­y becoming part of the problem by not acting to achieve the necessary solutions.

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