Mail & Guardian



ssociate director and uantity sur eyor: onku tshona

ssociates uantity ur eyors Pty td

ro ing up in the impoverish­ed community of ahikeng in orth est did not stop lice oeti from pursuing and achieving her dreams. aving obtained both her c and honours in uantity surveying at the niversity of Pretoria, her career continued to soar. ith seven years of e perience in the built environmen­t, oeti is currently the associate director at onku

tshona ssociates uantity urveyors. he heads the retail, commercial and residentia­l sector ithin the company, and the overall business developmen­t portfolio ithin the uantity surveying division. egarding hat inspires her, oeti says, The belief that

e are on earth at this e act time for a purpose, and the search for that purpose is e hilarating.

8MJ ZWLJX YMJ HTZSYW^ FSI XUJHNܪHFQQ^ YMJ HTSXYWZHYN­TS NSIZXYW^ to take note and ackno ledge young omen and afford them the necessary platform to gro ithout negative stigma or pre udice. —N isa e a o nana

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