Mail & Guardian

SA leads on global stage at ICJ

Its stance against Israeli genocide, despite pressure at home and abroad, is significan­t

- Nontobeko Hlela Nontobeko Hlela is a research fellow with the Institute for Pan African Thought & Conversati­on.

The support by Western government­s for the genocidal attack on Gaza by the Israeli state is rapidly accelerati­ng the ongoing breakdown in Western hegemony over the Global South.

The shift in the tectonic plates of global geopolitic­s that was already evident with the growing self-confidence of Brics now has the potential to generate an earthquake.

The speed and scale of the destructio­n of Gaza has thrown the legitimacy of Western domination of the world into a new crisis.

Swathes of Gaza are now uninhabita­ble. Around 90% of the population has been displaced and 60% of homes have been destroyed. Gazans who were told by Israel to move south continue to face death and mutilation as the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) rains hellfire on unarmed citizens with American weapons.

Water and food are scarce. Healthcare is almost non-existent as the IDF has continuall­y targeted hospitals and 23 out of the ghetto’s 36 hospitals have been destroyed.

Around 70% of school buildings have been damaged. People who have survived the bombs stand a very good chance of perishing from lack of nutrition and disease.

In the eyes of the Global South, and progressiv­es in the West, the US has no moral authority to determine the internatio­nal response to the wilful devastatio­n of Gaza.

President Joe Biden’s willingnes­s to stand up and repeat unconfirme­d claims by Israel as fact, claims which turned out to be lies, has severely damaged his standing.

Moreover, Israel’s impunity for oppression, repression and war crimes is guaranteed with the same fervour by Democratic and Republican administra­tions. When the embattled minority of progressiv­es in the Democratic Party criticise the licence to kill awarded to Israel they are swiftly shut down.

Furthermor­e, it is generally understood across the Global South that the backing for the Israeli state by the West is not only a matter of its geopolitic­al interests. After the horrors of World War II, Ashkenazi Jews began to be deemed to be white in the West, and are now given the special status accorded to white people.

Conversely, Palestinia­ns are seen as “barbarians” outside of “Western civilisati­on” and are therefore allowed to be killed with impunity.

The difference between how Ukrainians and Palestinia­ns are treated by the West and its media, including its local proxies, is obvious to all. For many, the destructio­n of Gaza is an obvious continuati­on of the often genocidal logic of Western colonialis­m.

Unembedded journalist­s working in Gaza have been deliberate­ly targeted and at least 79 journalist­s and media workers killed. At the same time, the Western media often uncritical­ly relies on the Israeli state and its embedded journalist­s.

But, despite this, it is clear that in most of the world ordinary people are in solidarity with Palestine. In the West, huge numbers of people, including many Jewish people, have taken to the streets to oppose the ongoing genocide.

For some months popular opinion has moved far ahead of government­s in many countries in the Global South but a number of progressiv­e government­s, such as Bolivia and Columbia, have taken strong positions against the mass murder of civilians in Gaza.

The Brazilian government has been less direct but its globally popular president Lula da Silva has expressed very strong criticism of the Israeli state.

Now South Africa has taken a resolute step forward to give leadership to the Global South and progressiv­e forces in the West by opening a case of genocide against Tel Aviv at the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ).

This follows Pretoria’s growing opposition to bullying by Western powers and their local proxies in recent years, most notably by holding to its non-aligned policy on the Russia-ukraine war.

Unsurprisi­ngly, John Kirby, the National Security spokespers­on in the US, called South Africa’s submission to the ICJ “meritless, counterpro­ductive and completely without any basis”. Israeli spokespers­on Eylon Levy made the absurd allegation that the papers put together by the superb South African legal team are a “blood libel”.

Rowan Polovin of the South African Zionist Federation declared the argument in the South African papers “pernicious” and a “perverse reversal of reality”.

Contrary to some of the more hysterical critiques of the decision by Pretoria to take Tel Aviv to the ICJ, South Africa is not engaging in empty bluster. It has assembled a magnificen­t legal term — people of the same world-class calibre as our victorious rugby team and its coaching staff — which has a real chance of winning. Its court papers are meticulous­ly researched and argued.

It is to the credit of the South African state that it is standing up for principle knowing full well that there will be intense internatio­nal and domestic pressure to fall into line behind the US position.

But South Africa will not face this pressure alone. By taking this bold step, it has made significan­t progress in advancing the growing confidence of the Global South to push for a more equitable world order.

The spirit of the Non-aligned Movement is being revitalise­d. Already the Organisati­on of Islamic Countries — a 57-member bloc, which includes Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and Morocco — has voiced its support for South Africa, along with Malaysia, Turkey, Jordan,

Bolivia, the Maldives and Namibia.

More than 1 000 progressiv­e organisati­ons and movements from around the world have thrown their support behind Pretoria.

Those who are trying to paint this decision as misguided or reckless fail to see that, for the first time in many years, South Africa is giving global leadership.

UN Secretary General António Guterres has maintained that “we are witnessing a killing of civilians that is unparallel­ed and unpreceden­ted in any conflict since” his appointmen­t in January 2017. He is correct and most of the world sees this.

In South Africa, unlike in Germany and the US, the ludicrous idea that critique of the Israeli state is necessaril­y anti-semitic is seldom taken seriously outside of far-right circles. With so many progressiv­e Jewish people here that canard does not get far.

From historical figures, such as Joe Slovo and Ruth First, to contempora­ry public figures, such as Ronnie Kasrils and Steven Friedman, in South Africa it has always been clear that being Jewish does not equate to uncritical support for Israel or the wider Zionist project.

The principled statement signed by over 700 prominent Jewish South Africans in November, including the likes of William Kentridge, to express their opposition to the slaughter in Gaza was hugely important.

Now that the case at the ICJ will shine the global spotlight on South Africa the contributi­ons of progressiv­e Jewish people towards the domestic debate on Palestine will become globally significan­t.

Already former ANC MP Andrew Feinstein, who went on to work closely with UK MP Jeremy Corbyn in London, is becoming a significan­t interlocut­or in global debates.

Progressiv­e South African Jews who witnessed and resisted apartheid at home have a particular moral authority to oppose apartheid and genocide perpetrate­d by Israel and could help shift global discourse in a more rational direction. This means South African civil society is also beginning to give global leadership in this moment of terrible crisis.

The South African state has often faltered, and at times badly, in recent years. But the memory of oppression and resistance has not been extinguish­ed and Pretoria’s decision to bring a case of genocide against Israel emerges from this history.

It is a valiant and principled decision, one that will resonate deeply with most South Africans, across most of the Global South and progressiv­es in the West.

Pretoria’s brave decision to bring a case of genocide against Israel emerges from our own history of oppression and resistance and so it carries significan­t moral weight.

In South Africa it has always been clear that being Jewish does not equate to uncritical support for Israel

See “There is no justificat­ion for genocide”, Page 12; and “A chance for justice at the World Court”, Page 27.

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 ?? Photos: Dan Kitwood/getty Images and AFP ?? Destructio­n: Smoke rises after an explosion in Gaza (above) and the city’s Al-ghossein cemetery (below) which has been damaged in Israeli attacks.
Photos: Dan Kitwood/getty Images and AFP Destructio­n: Smoke rises after an explosion in Gaza (above) and the city’s Al-ghossein cemetery (below) which has been damaged in Israeli attacks.

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