Mail & Guardian

Israel’s crackdown on calories

Was the terrible murder of seven aid workers part of the use of food as a weapon, which has claimed its first lives in Gaza? Drew Forrest reports on a strategy that has alienated Israel’s allies

- Drew Forrest is a former political editor and deputy editor of the M&G.

Since the catastroph­ic drone attack on the World Central Kitchen feeding scheme in Gaza that left seven aid workers dead, Israel has appeared weaker, and more directionl­ess and isolated, than it has for many years.

The Israeli ultra-right has squandered its 7 October credit. The West, brimming with sympathy after the Hamas raid, has distanced itself from a government seen as unaccounta­ble, unwilling to compromise and without a long-range plan.

Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu, who recently whined that his traditiona­l allies are ganging up on him out of “ignorance and anti-semitism”, has seemingly been forced into major concession­s by a warning from United States President Joe Biden that continued American military support will depend on Israel meeting metrics that seek to minimise civilian harm and violence against humanitari­an workers.

After months of barring or underminin­g mercy missions and repeated threats to invade the southern town of Rafah, it has withdrawn all its troops except those guarding the barrier between northern and southern Gaza and reopened at least two border crossings to relief trucks.

Domestic commentato­rs are at a loss to explain this unannounce­d policy shift. Netanyahu has put a brave face on it, claiming it is a preparator­y move towards further hostilitie­s — but as the US has set its face against the Rafah operation, it seems stillborn.

At the same time, cracks have opened in the ruling coalition, with some of the more deranged ultras, notably Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and Internal Security Minister Itamar Ben-gvir, dissenting from the fillip to humanitari­an aid and itching to ramp up military action.

Their absence from the security meeting that adopted the new line — apparently because they were not told of it — was an extraordin­ary departure that prompted Gallant’s loud protests.

Amid US pressure, the failure of Netanyahu’s pledge to “destroy” Hamas and force the release of its hostages after six months of fighting, and the endless, aimless butchery of non-combatants, the extreme right appears to have lost its whip hand.

Also hanging darkly over domestic sentiment is the threat of two further war fronts in Lebanon and Iran, and Netanyahu’s weakening grip on power, sapped by multiple controvers­ies and failures.

The World Central Kitchen airstrikes seemed the last straw for the US, which had previously taken the unpreceden­ted step of abstaining in a United Nations Security Council vote on a Gazan ceasefire.

The strikes could hardly have been more provocativ­e, or their alleged remedy better calculated to inflame critics — a hurriedly mounted sweetheart investigat­ion, leading to a couple of mid-level sackings and a “formal reprimand” for a brigadier and general.

The finding of grave errors of identifica­tion and coordinati­on did at least concede some Israeli responsibi­lity. But there was no detail about who exactly did what, and nothing to show whether there had been a high-level plan or merely a low-level botch.

Netanyahu’s deeply felt reaction, that the deaths were the “fortunes of war” — satirised by World Central Kitchen founder José Andrés as “Whoops! We dropped the wrong bomb!” — betrayed his underlying beef that the aid officials had no business being in a conflict zone.

The hard fact is that no Hamas militants or enablers were among the World Central Kitchen staff, and none carried a weapon.

With Hamas, small and ill-armed, still standing after six months of saturation bombing that has smashed 70% of Gaza’s buildings and killed 33 000, including 13 000 children, Israel’s reputation as the invincible master of precision warfare is indeed in tatters.

But the World Central Kitchen operation appears to have been a precision affair in which unguided, “dumb” munitions were not used. Several circumstan­ces suggest a calculated, almost coldly surgical methodolog­y in which the vehicles were knocked out one by one.

Not one, but three drone strikes spanning 1600 metres took place. After the first, the survivors, some injured, debouched to the second vehicle, only to be attacked again. Those remaining were killed in the third strike, when the last vehicle had gone off-road in an apparent bid to elude the pitiless pursuers.

Al-jazeera mentions reports that after both initial strikes, the Israeli authoritie­s were informed.

Their hideous accuracy also implies the use of a surveillan­ce drone, meaning that the control room would have had “full visibility” of the World Central Kitchen convoy and its prominent logos, British weapons expert Chris Cobb-smith was quoted as saying. “It’s hard to see how this was an accident,” he added.

Photograph­s show that a missile punched a hole through the large logo on the roof of one of the vehicles. Responding to an Israel Defence Force (IDF) claim that the operation took place “at night in confused conditions”, a Guardian journalist asked incredulou­sly: “So you don’t have night vision technology?”

Equally sinister is the fact that the al-rashid coastal road, the site of the strikes, was the subject of an explicit “deconflict­ion” protocol between World Central Kitchen and the Israeli authoritie­s giving aid convoys immunity from army attacks.

Commentato­rs argue that every inch of the road from the warehouse in central Gaza, where the convoy dropped a hundred tonnes of food, must have been known and tracked by the IDF.

Was there intentiona­lity and premeditat­ion, as required for the US charge of first-degree murder, or were the strikes murder in the second degree, where the murderer acts with disregard for human life and a “depraved mind”.

The average Israeli soldier’s mental state, described as “painful and vindicativ­e” after 7 October, is further suggested by routine reports of Israeli war crimes and humanitari­an transgress­ions against non-combatants.

These include the desecratio­n of mosques and churches; the death of at least 480 health workers in hundreds of attacks on health facilities; the killing of 177 staff members of the UN relief agency UNRWA, based on the wholly unsubstant­iated claim that some were implicated in Hamas atrocities; and the death of 100 journalist­s in one of the deadliest wars for the media on record.

IDF members have been blunted and desensitis­ed to Palestinia­n death and suffering by years of military overlordsh­ip and legal impunity.

How many Israelis care that a third of Gazans are facing famine, the result of a virtual blockade of aid trucks entering the Strip, reinforced by searches, permit denials and periodic violence near distributi­on points?

The number of truck crossings has fallen from a pre-war average of 500 to 168. Since January, 300 000 residents of northern Gaza cut off by the IDF have survived on an average of 245 calories a day — the recommende­d minimum level is 1 800 to 2 400 for women and 2 000 to 3 200 for men.

UNRWA, seen as the only agency with the staff and infrastruc­ture to provide food and medical aid on the required scale, has been barred from operating in various parts of Gaza, including the north, where the starvation risk is greatest.

After the airstrikes, World Central Kitchen, which had opened a maritime supply route from Cyprus to circumvent the land obstacles, withdrew its Open Arms vessel before it was fully offloaded. The American relief body Arena and the United Arab Emirates, responsibl­e for 25% of foreign aid to Gaza, also decamped.

World Central Kitchen had sent 430 000 meals to the blockaded territory through its sea route, and was preparing a further 1.2 million for the starving North.

Last October Gallant vowed to halt food, electricit­y, water and fuel supplies to Gaza’s “human animals”. It is in the context of the apparent use of food as a weapon — another page from the Putin playbook — that the convoy airstrikes could be seen. Care Internatio­nal has reported the first deaths of Gaza’s children from malnutriti­on.

Such factors call into question IDF chief of staff Herzi Halevi’s plea that the airstrikes were “a mistake”.

ISince January, 300 000 residents of northern Gaza cut off by the

IDF have survived on an average of

245 calories a day

ntentional­ity can work in two ways — through explicit and direct government policy, as in Hitler’s antisemiti­c persecutio­n, or through more oblique messaging, such as when the authoritie­s broaden the permissibi­lity of unlawful killing or fail to prosecute it.

One example, originally reported by the news website +972 and rerun by The Guardian based on informatio­n from Israeli security sources, is the alleged raising or lowering of the bar for civilian casualties depending on the target’s importance. An Israeli spokespers­on denied this.

One source said the scope was greater in the war’s early stages, “when we were permitted to kill 15 or 20 civilians in airstrikes using dumb bombs which destroyed entire homes”.

“You don’t want the waste expensive V [guided] bombs on unimportan­t targets”, the source said, particular­ly as AI had produced a list of 37 000 people of interest. When targeting senior Hamas operatives, a ratio “in the low triple digits” might be permissibl­e.

What the World Central Kitchen airstrikes have done is to bring the world back to its senses about the fundamenta­ls of the Israel/palestine conflict. As the UN secretary general António Guterres remarked, 7 October was frightful but did not happen in a vacuum.

The Palestinia­ns are victims of violent dispossess­ion, and they are not going to forget it. They are not going to be wiped out, permanentl­y blockaded in a tiny enclave or driven into the desert. The sooner Netanyahu’s ultras grasp the fundamenta­l fact of their permanence and right to life, the better for all of us.

 ?? ?? Weakened: Protestors (above) demonstrat­e outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s home calling for early elections and his ouster. Airstrikes hit three of World Central Kitchen’s vehicles (left), killing seven aid workers.
Weakened: Protestors (above) demonstrat­e outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s home calling for early elections and his ouster. Airstrikes hit three of World Central Kitchen’s vehicles (left), killing seven aid workers.
 ?? Photos: Eyal Warshavsky/getty Images & Majdi Fathi/getty Images ??
Photos: Eyal Warshavsky/getty Images & Majdi Fathi/getty Images

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