Man Magnum

John Coleman and AAA Shotgun Shells


I am a long time reader of Man Magnum and an avid fan of the articles written by profession­al hunter John Coleman of the Eastern Cape. He is extremely sensible in most of his advice. However, I am surprised by Mr Coleman’s recommenda­tion to use AAA shot shells in a side-by-side shotgun when facing wounded leopards. I am surprised because AAA is the smallest of buck shot sizes and where l hunt, it is typically used for large geese.

I would like to ask Mr Coleman how effective AAA shotgun shells have been

on leopards (based on his personal experience), and how many leopards he has shot successful­ly using them. l don’t question the wisdom of a veteran profession­al hunter, I am genuinely intrigued.

I am also interested to know what make and model of shotgun, with what kind of choke, is typically used by Mr Coleman for following up wounded leopards. – Mr Shah, United Kingdom

➤ John Coleman Replies: When I talk about using AAA 2¾-inch shells (3-inch magnum even better) on wounded leopard, I am talking about firing from very close, within 10 metres, but mostly less.

I cannot remember how many leopards I have shot, nor can I remember the exact number of those wounded and very close up, but both situations were numerous.

I often used SSG, but found that AAA were completely adequate at very close range and, having more pellets in a tight pattern, had more chance of getting to the brain. A leopard’s skull is not very thick and the shot pellets penetrate easily at this close range.

Don’t attempt to shoot a lion with the same or any shotgun ammunition, except a solid ball or slug. In fact, I wouldn’t use a shotgun at all on a lion, only a medium to heavy rifle, preferably a heavy rifle for a wounded lion.

I have an old BRNO 12-gauge double side-by-side shotgun, with a choke and a spread barrel. At very close range it makes little difference which barrel is used. Also, any reasonable shotgun balances and points better than a big double rifle for a quick shot. You just have to be extremely quick with a charging leopard!

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