Polokwane Observer

Have you seen this man?


amily memEers are concerned aEout the whereaEout­s oI year old rancois an 6taden who was last seen lea ing his residence in , ydale on 6aturday -anuary.

e leIt his house at around and did not inIorm his Iamily where he was going. is Iamily contacted his Iriends in the hope that they ha e seen him Eut all in ein. missing person s case has Eeen opened at the :estenEurg 3olice 6tation. rancois was last seen wearing Elue Means a Elac shirt sandals and a camouflage hat.

e is short has short Erown hair and Elue green eyes. nyone with inIormatio­n can contact hris on or e ie on .

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