Popular Mechanics (South Africa)

MOBILITY, MADE PERSONAL What if transport was integrated in our homes?


The Tridika is a cube-shaped

vehicle concept created by industrial designer Ashish Thulkar. A conceptual free-rope elevator by multinatio­nal conglomera­te Thyssenkru­pp AG inspired the Tridika concept.

“It gave me the idea to work on a vehicle for people living in multistore­y apartment blocks,” says Thulkar. “They mostly use the subway or the bus, which are excellent ways to commute. What if they don’t want a car, though, but do want some form of personal transporta­tion system that can multitask?”

The vehicle is driverless and oper- ates on the same principles as Maglev trains, using magnets to lift and propel it. Power is sourced from the tracks.

“The Tridika would connect to the outer wall of the building using a dedicated ramp. It would get picked up by a mechanical elevator system and station itself in front of your apartment unit,” Thulkar adds. “A large sliding door located on the side of the unit would open to let you enter your condo. A similar door inside your unit would open simultaneo­usly by detecting the encrypted signature of your Tridika or smartphone.” PM

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