Popular Mechanics (South Africa)

What did I just agree to?



Law professor Nancy Kim is the author of Wrap Contracts, the authoritat­ive guide to those multipage policies you skim and agree to with Cloud accounts. We asked her to read the contracts of several major Cloud services. She found that most can use your informatio­n for targeted advertisin­g, and none is accountabl­e if it loses your data. Other notable conditions:



D. E. F. G.

Raspberry Pi 3 Western Digital 314 GB Pidrive 4 GB or more micro SD card and adaptor HDMI cable Ethernet cable Monitor Wired USB keyboard and mouse

8 Find your Pi’s IP address (a number to identify it on your home Internet) by going into the Terminal and typing ifconfig <Enter>. The field “inet addr” has the number you want, something like Write it down.

9 On your PC or Mac, open a web browser and enter that IP address: Follow the prompts and set up an account. When you get to the main account page, hit Add Folder and choose /mnt/ data, which is how the system finds your Pidrive. Check the box that gives Read & Write permission so other devices can access it, and leave the window open.

10 Open another browser window and go to https://getsync.com/platforms/desktop/. Install it and open the app. Go back to the browser window with Sync open to Share - / mnt/data. Hit Copy, then paste that URL into another browser window. Going to this URL will open your newly installed Sync desktop app and add your / mnt/data folder to it.

11 Approve the Sync request from your control panel (the browser window from which you copied the URL), and you’re done. To upload files from a phone or tablet, install the Sync app and go to the Copied Sharing URL or QR Code on your desktop. Approve it on the new devices and you can send files to that hard drive from anywhere. PM

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