Popular Mechanics (South Africa)

Carbon fibre tech at Lamborghin­i

How to stick new tech on an old car Touchscree­n on a motorbike Launches: Renault Kadjar, Audi Q2, Hyundai Creta Drives: Peugeot 208, Nissan NP200 ICE 1.6i


Stronger than steel and a fraction of the weight, carbon fibre is a brilliant invention. Has been for decades. Junior Johnson was building rule-bending Nascar racers out of the stuff back in the ’80s. But even with all that time to come up with new sourcing and production methods, carbon fibre just won’t stop being expensive. The cheapest new car with a carbon-fibre tub, the Alfa Romeo 4C, is sized for Stuart Little, yet costs as much as a Mercedes E- Class. And the real chariots of the carbon gods, the Mclarens and Koenigsegg­s and Lamborghin­i Aventadors of the world, are strictly seven-figure propositio­ns. We still haven’t managed to mass-produce the stuff at anything approachin­g the price of aluminium, let alone steel. Why hasn’t anyone figured out how to

make this stuff cost less?

That question is why I’m here in Sant’agata Bolognese, Italy, at Lamborghin­i’s carbon-fibre facility, laboriousl­y squeegeein­g air bubbles out of a sheet of carbon weave. I want to ask the guys in (black) lab coats who make this material: why aren’t we rolling around in carbonmono­coque Hyundais?


In 2017, to create the metal components at the core of most cars, you pour your super-hot liquid aluminium steel or magnesium in a mould, and cast it. You can smash it into shape, you can carve it with a CNC machine, you can weld pieces together. You’ve got options, all of them reasonably speedy and affordable. To make a part out of carbon fibre… well, first you get the raw material out of the freezer.

The glossy woven rolls of carbon fibre, filled with resin (called pre-preg) and backed with adhesive, are stored at -18 degrees. Any warmer and the resin will harden. That temperatur­e sensitivit­y also means you can’t cut the material into shape with a CNC laser. To keep it cool and malleable, you need to use a blade, which eventually wears out. Even then, the clock is ticking. From the time the first weave of these plastic carbon threads is cut, you have about a day to shape it.

So you make haste with the plastic spatulas and force the black and silver sheets into a mould, which will be good for only about 300 uses before it’s deformed and gets trashed. Piera, the woman tasked with explaining all this to me, seems flummoxed at my plodding pace. She produces a hair dryer and heats the material to make it more pliable. But of course, you don’t want too much heat, lest your pre-preg prematurel­y calcify into the wrong shape.


About a decade ago, I visited another one of Lamborghin­i’s plants. I watched a woman lovingly stitch the seats on a Murciélago, practising a brand of methodical craftsmans­hip that would be too laborious, too inefficien­t for a mass-market car. Now, here I am again, witnessing a similar degree of manual artistry invested in the creation of a material that we think of as far more futuristic. I mean, you’d expect that Lamborghin­i’s leather was stitched by hand. But those aerospace-looking wings and spats, the big carbon tub at the heart of the Aventador? It all looks like it was reverse-engineered from a captured extraterre­strial landing craft, not handmade by an Italian woman named Piera. And yet, this is still the most economical way to produce carbon fibre. On a small scale, anyway.

“If I have to do ten parts, handmade is still the best way,” says Luciano de Oto, head of Lamborghin­i’s Advanced Composite Research Centre. “Above 2 000 parts, I need to increase automation and use chopped fibre.” That would be “forged” carbon fibre, but we’ll get to that. First, I’ve got to vacuum-bag my part.

To ensure that the first layer of carbon fibre conforms to the mould, I seal the sheet in plastic and suck out any air pockets between layers. Then, I cover that with heavier cloth before placing the whole thing inside another thicker plastic vacuum bag, the sort you’d use to shrink down your duvet for summer storage. After removing trapped air, we set four more layers, then one more vacuum routine after the final layer. It’s tedious. Companies like BMW are building robotic production lines to do this faster than humans. But even then, it’s slow.

Besides being time-intensive, the carbon-fibre manufactur­ing process is also an energy hog. The storage freezers and occasional blast with

the hair dryer are minor compared to the autoclave, a pressurise­d oven used to cure finished parts. My particular hunk of hand-laid goodness will bake in the oven for six hours at 200 degrees, all while under six times the normal atmospheri­c pressure. At least Lamborghin­i has a 1,2-megawatt photoelect­ric solar array on the roof of the factory.


While my component cures, I head over to the area where Lamborghin­i makes forged parts. Instead of the neatly woven pre-preg I worked with earlier, machines here use a rough carbon fibre known as chopped mat. A square of this material is pressed into basic shapes over a mould, then moved into the eight-piston forge, which applies 150 degrees of heat and 20 000 kpa of pressure. Unlike pre-preg, chopped mat can be smashed into exotic shapes – screw anchors, thin ridges – that aren’t possible when you’re hand- wrapping fabric. The process is mostly automated, and in 20 minutes we’ll have the same part that still needs about five more hours in the autoclave.

A forged product isn’t as light or strong as the hand-laid stuff, but if carbon fibre is ever going to go mainstream, this looks like the way. “Diamonds have a higher cost than gold,” De Oto says. “Hand-laid carbon fibre won’t achieve the cost of aluminium, but in the next ten years, chopped mat might.” Even if cars just get the chopped-mat carbon fibre, as on the BMW i3, that’s still a huge upgrade from aluminium. Lighter, better economy and no lost safety.

But the sophistica­ted hand-laid stuff, with its freezers and autoclaves, vacuum bags and squeegees and fragile moulds? That will always be an exotic material for exotic cars. Lamborghin­i needs three weeks to produce each Aventador body-in- white. That pace is never gonna fly at the typical sedan plant.

By 17:00, the factory is clearing out, and I join the workers in black lab coats flowing through the gate. I never do see the part that I made. It’s still in the autoclave, and I don’t have time to wait.

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 ??  ?? Want a carbon-fibre car? A soon-to-be-aventador like this goes for around R8,5 million.
Want a carbon-fibre car? A soon-to-be-aventador like this goes for around R8,5 million.
 ??  ?? Setting chopped mat, or “forged” carbon fibre, before sending it to a forge that will form the material into odd shapes like screw anchors. The result isn’t as strong as handmade prepreg, but it’s still stronger and lighter than steel.
Setting chopped mat, or “forged” carbon fibre, before sending it to a forge that will form the material into odd shapes like screw anchors. The result isn’t as strong as handmade prepreg, but it’s still stronger and lighter than steel.

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