Popular Mechanics (South Africa)



Knowledge is the key to an efficient home. You need a good data picture of how your house is operating – and something to turn that data into useful informatio­n. Lifesmart IOT devices are easy to deploy and are aimed at meeting consumer needs by combining two of the greatest buzzwords in tech: AI and the cloud. Its nextgenera­tion CUBE environmen­tal sensor will deliver tangible results with regard to minute environmen­tal changes within your home ecosystem. It monitors indoor temperatur­e, humidity and illuminati­on, which allows you to visualise the energy flow of your house in an entirely new way. Connect it to other sensors and to the cloud (Google Home and Apple Homekit compatible) and it doubles as your home monitor with dynamic notificati­ons when things step out of line. Samples are taken on the minute and the device can operate from -20 to 40˚C, and between five and 90 percent humidity. So now that you have a tool to measure things with, turn over for our pro tips on how to set your house up for maximum energy efficiency.

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