Popular Mechanics (South Africa)



The March issue included a letter by Ian Gilmour on solar power, as well as your request for feedback from other readers. In November last year, impressed by an article in a financial newspaper comparing solar-power systems, we set the ball rolling.

The firm we selected installed a logging device that measured our total power consumptio­n for a full week. The results indicated that we needed 10 solar panels, a 4 kW inverter and a 3.55 kW battery, at a rough cost of R198 000.

All the equipment is imported from either Holland or Germany, so the lead time is quite lengthy. Nonetheles­s, despite the many restrictio­ns imposed by COVID-19, the system was fully installed by the beginning of April.

I should mention that the raison d’être of this undertakin­g was for the sole purpose of alleviatin­g the misery of Eskom loadsheddi­ng. With both of us being well into our 70s and 80s, we laboured under no illusions as to the economy of this, and appreciate that you’d have to

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