Popular Mechanics (South Africa)

The best way to watch all the Star Wars movies


Watching (or rewatching) Star Wars seems straightfo­rward. After all, the movies are all labelled numericall­y, right there in the title crawl. But with the introducti­on of the prequels, sequels, and one-offs, fans have gotten creative when searching for the ultimate way to watch.

We’re partial to the Rinster Order, named after a particular­ly dedicated fan. It helps preserve The Empire Strikes Back’s big plot twist while also giving Vader’s revelation more narrative weight. Once we learn of the relationsh­ip between Luke and Vader, we’re treated to a three-film flashback, exploring how such a dark lord of the Sith came to be.

OPTIONAL: So what about the stand-alone films? You could slot in Rogue One before A New Hope and treat the two films as one four-hour-long space epic. But it feels wrong to not start your rewatch with the original. As for Solo, it makes the most sense to give it a watch after the startling conclusion of The Force Awakens, in order to give our favourite space smuggler a proper send-off. Oh … spoilers.

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