


DATES and water play a significan­t role during Ramadan.

This delicacy and water are the main items many Muslim partake in each evening when breaking their fast.

Prophet Muhammad used to break his fast by eating dates before offering the Maghrib (fourth of the five daily prayers) prayer, each evening.

If ripe dates were not available, he would eat the dried ones. However, if no dates were available, the Prophet would break his fast by having a few sips of water.

Knowing the importance of the date during Ramadan, Amina Wonder Spice in Sea Cow Lake, has a variety on offer.

Owner Abdulgani Rahman explained the importance of having a date before the fast and when you break fast.

“At night when you sleep your blood sugar level drops. Dates work as an energy boost and increase your sugar levels.The same applies to when you break your fast,” said Rahman, formerly of Cape Town.

Dates are imported from Nambia, Medina, UAE (United Arab Emirates) and Egypt and are distribute­d nationally and to neighbouri­ng countries.

“We have been in business for nine years and we are the only supplier of dates in the country. We stock over 36 varieties ranging from your normal dates to frozen ones and chocolate covered treats,” said Rahman. Our popular dates are the ones imported from Medina because this is where our Prophet fasted. We believe our Prophet blessed these dates,” said Rahman.

“Our dates are sold throughout the year and the price ranges from R19.99 to R295.

“Traditiona­lly, in a Muslim home, dates are given to guests as a gesture to welcome them into the home. Patrons start shopping for the fruit months before the fast,” he said.

He added dates were considered one of the most healthy fruits to eat.

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