
Mandela lives on in our hearts


EVEN in death Nelson Mandela brings people together. Friday would have marked the former South African statesman’s 96th birthday.

But age and ill health had befallen him by last December.

Many would say it was foolish and wishful thinking to believe the icon, whose face often crumpled as he smiled, could live forever.

But despite resting at his birthplace in Qunu, others would say Mandela has turned logical thinking on its head. Mandela lives! He lives forever in the hearts and minds of global citizens – as long as we value his ideals and human-ness.

Mandela was, to many, an ordinary man who did extraordin­ary things. Simply put, he was a remarkable human being. He was our Madiba. He was our Tata. He was our cherished hero. There is no doubt he had the Midas touch.

And when we celebrate Nelson Mandela Internatio­nal Day on Friday by immersing ourselves in 67 minutes of community work, we are keeping a legend’s legacy alive.

Remember, 67 minutes is a mere drop in the ocean compared to his 67 years of activism.

Some say every day should be a Mandela Day.

While this may very well be true, that we should use every day to uplift the lives of others, we don’t always do this.

There are just never enough minutes in a day to think about our own needs and well-being, never mind about others, about strangers.

But yet again, this illustrate­s what set Mandela apart from many of us.

He thought about our needs before his own.

He sacrificed his time, his well-being, and his freedom for us. How remarkable.

On Friday morning, select SterKineko­r cinemas will screen the Anant Singh movie Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom.

If you have not seen it yet, take along your parents, grandparen­ts, and even your children.

It is important to absorb every ounce of informatio­n offered on Mandela because it will be through these mediums – such movies, television, newspapers and books – that Madiba’s legacy will be kept alive.

His legacy will also stand the test of time if we, ordinary South Africans and ordinary global citizens, continue to pay it forward.

By this, you should repay the good deeds Mandela did for us and repay it to others.

Happy Birthday, Tata.

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