
Witnesses sought for hit and run accident


A PHOENIX family is appealing for witnesses to come forward after their relative was killed in a hit and run accident on Northern Drive on Saturday night.

Luke Michael, 36, pictured, an employee at a printing company, was standing on the pavement when a man driving a red VW Golf GTi allegedly rammed into him. Michael’s younger brother, Mark, said the loss left a void in the family.

“On the day of the incident my other brother, Mathew, drove past the accident scene and got a glimpse of a man lying on the ground. Matthew had an uneasy feeling and drove to our brother’s house to find out where he was and what he was wearing.

“My brother’s wife, Rachael, described the clothing and Mathew returned to the scene. When he took a closer look, he saw Luke’s body.

“Paramedics were at the scene and they were trying to revive him,” said Mark.

He added witnesses told them the driver sped off without checking on Michael. Mark described his sibling as vibrant, loving and caring.

“We are five brothers and always take care of each other. On the day of the incident Matthew’s brotherly intuition kicked in and he sensed something was wrong.”

Michael, who had no children, was cremated yesterday (Tuesday) at the Verulam Crematoriu­m.

Police spokesman Captain Thulani Zwane said a case of culpable homicide was being investigat­ed by Phoenix SAPS and no arrest had been made. Investigat­ions were continuing.

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