
Sadtu happy with holidays


THE South African Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) has dismissed reports that its members are unhappy with the current public school calendar and want more holidays.

The secretary of the Durban branch, Mbuyiseni Mathonsi, said the demand made to the Department of Education was to stop calling on teachers to attend teaching workshops during school holidays and weekends.

“We understand that the department wants to develop the education system by equipping our teachers but it needs to be done within working hours. Teachers dedicate their hours to teaching.

“After school they still work by marking tests and preparing lessons for the next day,” said Mathonsi.

He added they needed to be compensate­d for the longer hours.

“These teachers are not paid for the extra time.

“During holidays, workshops and tutorials are planned. It’s a misconcept­ion that teachers are on leave with their pupils.”

Agreeing with Mathonsi, National Teachers’ Union (NTU) spokesman Allen Thompson said teachers’ extra time was taken away.

“Teachers don’t have normal leave like other working people. Holidays are the only time they seem to get off.

“However, the department continues to put pressure on them to attend these workshops,” said Thompson.

Gordon Govender, of the South African Principals’ Associatio­n in Chatsworth, agreed teachers needed their personal time but raised concerns about the welfare of pupils.

“In terms of planning the calendar or workshops, the department does not consult with us. While we agreed that teachers needed their time, we also need to understand that pupils are important and we must not compromise their education,” said Govender.

Vee Gani, pictured, of the Parent Associatio­n – Durban South, said teachers needed to be given longer working hours in order for them to achieve teaching pupils and attending workshops.

“A balance needs to be struck between the two. Pupils cannot suffer because of the department or teachers,” said Gani.

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