
Air disasters: evil forces involved?



THE two recent plane disasters in the Ukraine and Mali have claimed the lives of 414 people.

And while it has created fear in some, who are wary about travelling, others are of the opinion that you are more likely to die in a car crash on the way to the airport than in a plane.

Similarly, local psychics have varying opinions on the air disasters that took place.

We asked if there was a sinister force of nature playing out and if they could predict if more crashes would take place this year.

Mellissa Mallaya, of the Mystic Sisters, said: “There are more accidents on the road than in the sky. It is not a bad time to travel. When it is your destiny to go, you will go. I am currently travelling and will be on a flight back to UK in a few weeks. There is no fear.”

She said that over the past two months there had been a planetary alignment.

This, she added, would have put everything out of order, making it a taxing time for everyone, everywhere.

“What has happened is that, a message has been sent from the universe to respect the life we have and appreciate it. Be grateful.”

Mallaya said in a time of war and uncertaint­y worldwide, positive forces needed to be awakened in each person.

“People need to be more focused, positive and alert during this period.”

Dashina Kalicharan said: “There could be a number of reasons for these disasters. Timing is everything – wrong place at the wrong time. It seems there was a planetary alignment that was re-activated, similar to what happened during the 9/11 disaster in the US.

“The progressed Sun of the 9/11 attack chart comes to square Mars by July 2014 with the progressed Moon joining as the progressed Midheaven squares Pluto.

“So July 2014 resulted in a month of air disasters or terrorist attacks.

“But we expect mechanical disasters to subside by midSeptemb­er. Travel by air will be safer. All we need to do is pray for peace and healing.”

Sharataz Rai said there was a negative energy looming around the earth.

She predicted there would be other light aircraft crashes during the year, two of which would be in South Africa.

“Two more planes will crash at the beginning of 2015 in Russia or the Ukraine.”

In the first crash Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it was shot down, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew on board.

In the second, Air Algérie Flight 5017 was travelling from Ouagadougo­u, Burkina Faso, to Algiers, Algeria, when it crashed in Mali. The 110 passengers and six crewhad disappeare­d from radar.

Users on our Facebook page, POST Newspaper, commented on whether they feared travelling on planes:

Calvin Mweene: The devil is at work but I shall not fear because the devil is a liar.

Urmilla Devi Jagesur: Yes I do!

Mohamed Ozer Khan: No I do not. Death is determined by the Almighty and cannot be avoided. If one is meant to die in a plane crash then so be it.

Manusha Pather: No. You can't predict how you are going to die.

Joel Brent Edwards: Statistica­lly you're still more likely to die in a car crash on the way to the airport.

Jane Samuel: Death is unpredicta­ble but I won’t fly to die in another country.

 ??  ?? Wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.
Wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

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