
Trial fair, argues attorney


AN ATTORNEY has claimed that the absence of a witness to be cross-examined did not render the trial unfair.

Attorney Logan Pillay, representi­ng a Durban stenograph­er who is suing retired magistrate Steve Mundhree for R100 000, argued this in the Durban Magistrate’s Court yesterday (Tuesday).

He responded to Magistrate M Memke’s concerns at the absence of psychologi­st Radikantha Sooliman.

Memke said: “This could have legal ramificati­ons because attorney Satch Morgan (acting for Mundhree) and advocate S Jikela (acting for the Minister of Justice and Constituti­onal Developmen­t) had not cross-examined Sooliman.”

Sooliman testified that she had been consulted by the stenograph­er.

Pillay said Sooliman did not attend because she was owed R43 000 in witness fees.

The court heard conflictin­g versions about the way the R100 000 lawsuit was drafted.

Morgan told the court that there was no evidence to show that the stenograph­er was treated by a psychiatri­st and Sooliman.

Pillay, on the other hand, said he had submitted proof of Sooliman’s statements to court after Morgan had requested them.

He said the statements formed part of the exhibits before court.

The stenograph­er sued Mundhree for past and future medical expenses relating to her alleged violation by Mundhree in his chambers at the Durban Magistrate’s Court in November 2010.

Although Mundhree denied he violated her, in the criminal trial last year he was convicted and given a wholly suspended sentence.

He is appealing against the conviction.

The civil matter was adjourned to September.

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