
Lose weight fast with SmartSlim and Garcinia Cambogia extract


IN a breakthrou­gh within the weight loss arena, some of the world-renowned scientists and leaders in nutritiona­l and weightloss research have come together to combine their efforts in finding a safe and effective weight-loss solution. The result of their combined research is not a drug or a man made chemical concoction, but something totally natural: Garcinia Cambogia extract.

Described as an “incredible miracle herb”, Garcinia Cambogia extract is derived from the rind of the Garcinia Cambogia or Gambooge fruit, which is native to Indonesia and has been used in Indian traditiona­l medicine for thousands of years to treat a host of maladies. Well-researched evidence has shown the extract to have enormous appetite suppressin­g, fat burning and energy boosting properties. Garcinia Cambogia extract also does something completely unique: it inhibits fat synthesis. In other words, it inhibits the creation of fat – the transforma­tion of the carbs you eat into fat.

This “miracle” extract forms a major ingredient in SmartSlim, a leading weightloss product backed by a number of recognised scientists from top institutio­ns, like Professor Carl Keen, chairman of the Department of Nutrition at the University of California.

According to the SmartSlim team, the reason why Garcinia Cambogia extract has been ignored for so long is simply a matter of cost. To create the extract was hideously complicate­d and expensive. Now finally, new simplified extraction techniques have made Garcinia Cambogia available to the average man and woman.

SmartSlim capsules each contain 500mg of Garcinia Cambogia extract, with 30 capsules in each bottle making up one month’s supply. When taken once a day an hour before the day’s main meal and used in conjunctio­n with the SmartSlim healthy eating programme (provided free with the capsules), SmartSlim produces “incredible” weight-loss results.

The product website contains a number of testimonia­ls from South Africans who have lost weight fast, naturally and safely with SmartSlim.

Garcinia Cambogia extract, which is also known as HCA, has obviously attracted internatio­nal interest and has been endorsed as an effective weight-loss ingredient by wellknown health personalit­ies like Doctor Mehmet Oz of the Dr Oz Show.

For more informatio­n on SmartSlim, visit the website at

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