
Laws don’t protect people – there’s a war going on


LAST week we published a story about a 75-year-old Phoenix grandmothe­r, who was thrown on her kitchen floor, while three men robbed her home in Southgate, Phoenix, on Saturday evening.

The grandmothe­r, R Maharaj, was treated for shock at a local hospital after three gunmen gained access into her son’s home by lifting the motorised gate off the rails and driving into the driveway.

Her son, Sanjay Maharaj, said the brazen robbers then used a crow bar to break the windows and doors.

Users on our Facebook page, POST Newspaper, commented.

- Premitha Moodley: Oh what a shame. Are we safe anywhere these days? Thank God she's safe. We live and work for robbers and die at their hands as well. Our law is too lenient.

- Manjoo Rughunanda­n: Very sad. Even locked gates don't help.

- Priscilla Krishnalal­l: This is getting out of hand. There’s no mercy for our old. Something needs to be done.

- Naresh Keshav: What else do we have to do to secure our homes? Not safe living on earth anymore. Maybe we should relocate to the moon or Mars.

- Denzil Pillay: Shoot to kill these barbarians. That law should be enforced or bring back the death penalty. As long as the fat cats stay fat, where do we as a society fit in. Appalling.

- Aroo Naicker: The elderly are being targeted. The robbers don't have any mercy. They need to be arrested to face the might of the law and locked up for a long time.

- Rikesh Ishwarlall: When does it all stop? The government needs to step in and harsher sentencing is needed to deter criminals. Enough is enough.

- Odette Hiralall: Suffer the innocent at the hands of criminals. Nothing is being done, that’s why this goes on. It’s like our country is being run by criminals. Crime just gets reported but no laws are put into place to protect the people. We have our own war going on.

- Priscilla Harijhan: This is really sad that crimnals will go to any extent to steal things that they have not worked for. What cowards we have on earth. To harm the elderly is not on.

- Naidoo Kevin: A big thank you to VIP Protecton Unit. PS. This is a well planned robbery.

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