
Temple execs in legal clash


THE Durban High Court has heard that two executive members of a Phoenix temple are at each other’s throats.

Rohith Ramnath, the chairman of the Woodview Dharma Sabha Ramayan Mandal, claimed in court documents that the temple’s treasurer, Roy Maharaj, had defamed him.

Ramnath alleged that Maharaj had accused him in e-mails of stealing temple funds. Ramnath has denied the claim.

An interim order is in place against Maharaj, who has undertaken not to defame, humiliate, verbally abuse, threaten, intimidate and harass Ramnath.

Judge Kate Pillay also ordered that he not interfere with Ramnath’s functions at the temple.

Ramnath, in court papers, said he and Maharaj had had several disagreeme­nts. He claimed Maharaj had not performed his duties properly.

“Matters came to a head in May after I told Maharaj it was his responsibi­lity to attend to the temple’s monthly financial affairs. He was arrogant and lashed out at me. He was instrument­al in calling for a meeting with other executive members on May 31 and suggested that I stand down as chairman. I was not present and was hurt when I found out about that meeting. I dedicated my life to the temple,” he said.

“Apart from the defamatory e-mails, Maharaj in a letter had informed executive members that I had mismanaged the funds. He has besmirched my good name.”

Maharaj, in his opposing papers, denied that he had defamed Ramnath.

“Even though I was tasked to perform the duties of treasurer, Ramnath took it upon himself to perform my functions.

“He viewed my role merely as one where I had to present the financial reports prepared by him. I questioned why R113 082 was held as petty cash by the temple. Ramnath was in charge of the petty cash. I asked him to stand down but he refused.”he said.

The matter is back in court next Thursday.

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