


rather than leaders. We are always unhappy with the way we look, conscious of other people’s opinion, and will follow trends even to the degree of not analysing the situation for the future. We can preach, and the world can tell us, that Indian women are the most beautiful women in the world, but unfortunat­ely we will not listen. Nishant Shardhanan­d: Your body is your temple and is sacred. Understand­able that one would like to express one’s artistic freedom, but do it in a way that is dignified and respectful. If you do not respect your own body, nobody else will. Be it a man or a woman, do not loose your traditiona­l culture and values. Shavina Reddy: Well if you don’t have one (a tattoo) don’t worry about it then. Vikash Sookdeo: Thick foundation on a lady’s face is also very misleading and gives people the wrong impression of you. Sonam Bhagwandas: Why should you worry what others are doing to themselves, rather focus on your life. I’m actually offended because I am a young Indian women. I have tattoos and piercings, but do not drink and smoke and cause havoc in my in-laws’ house. In fact, I’m the total opposite. Tattoos and piercings do not define my character and do not define who I am. Stop stereotypi­ng and judging, because we are all not the same. Learn to understand why people make the choices they do and why they do the things they do. It’s so sickening to see people judge. Worry about your life and your family, because I’m pretty sure your life is not perfect either. Yes, we are all entitled to our own opinions, but understand before you speak. Pat Riot: How Indians have changed. Once we treasured education, our elders, our culture and our Indian heritage, now we spend more time in clubs and pubs, thousands of rands in blinging up our cars, and come Diwali time, we try to outdo our neighbours with the loudest bangs, while granny spends her days in an old age home, wishing to see her offspring. We have lost the plot. POST readers comment on the wearing of tattoos by women We need to go back, find our roots, because true prosperity is not the extent of your bank account but the size of your heart. Chantal Motilall: Tattoos should be the least of our concerns. With the escalation of rape, domestic and animal abuse, drugs and violence in our community, the last thing we should fret about is what tattoos our neighbours are inking on their bodies. Priorities, people!

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