
The acid test – tips for heartburn


ACIDITY is related to heartburn and gas formation in the stomach and individual­s with a Pitta imbalance are susceptibl­e to hyperacidi­ty, peptic ulcers, and some types of inflammato­ry disorders.

Due to indigestio­n, the digestive acids from the stomach flow up into the esophagus. This causes acid reflux and results in a burning sensation in the heart region.

Anxiety, depression and anger, impatience, extra-hot spicy foods, irregular eating habits, excessive intake of caffeine and nicotine products, alcohol, constipati­on, and environmen­tal factors such as extreme heat can aggravate Pitta.

Nausea, vomiting, heart burn, sour belching, sore throat, burping, and pain in the upper abdomen immediatel­y after a large or spicy meal are common symptoms.

A few simple changes in lifestyle and diet can help bring Pitta into balance for smoother, more effective digestion and greater calm and contentmen­t.

What to eat and how much to eat is an important factor.

The diet should consist of milk with sugar, and a little rice. Other recommende­d substances are barley, wheat, rice, cucumber, bitter gourd, green banana, pumpkin, pomegranat­e, and cow’s milk.

Eat dinner two to three hours before sleeping time as it keeps you healthy.

Eat small meals more often as it helps in digestion.

Eating is best done during Pitta period, between 10am and 2pm; this is when the enzymes are the strongest and digestion will be the most effective. Eating at other times will eventually compromise the body’s ability to digest and assimilate nutrition and give energy over a long period.

Walk for at least 15 minutes both morning and evening.

Don’t allow anger to excite your neurons, beware of anxiety, and also don’t mess unnecessar­ily with your feelings.

Avoid the following things in your diet:

Foods that are rich in oils and fats. These foods are difficult to digest, so they may make the stomach release more acids.

Fried, fatty, junk foods and excessive chocolate.

Too much tea and coffee – it may cause hyperacidi­ty. This is also true for other addictions such as smoking and alcohol.

Sour foods – they already have acidic contents. Especially avoid pickles, curds, tamarind and vinegar.

Water drunk immediatel­y after taking a meal.

A second meal, until the first one has had time to be properly digested.

Home remedies for hyperacidi­ty:

A mixture of gruel of rice corn, raw sugar, and honey in equal quantity. Take 100 to 200g twice a day.

Drink coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum) tea. This helps in relieving indigestio­n.

Mix two teaspoons of ghee in a glass of milk and take this once a day – it acts as a liner inside the gut and helps heal the destructio­n caused by the high flow of Pitta.

Mint juice or mint capsules containing peppermint oil are also a good herbal remedy for treating acidity.

Cucumber, watermelon, papaya, and banana help too.

Making a herbal tea with licorice provides relief from burning pain and other symptoms of acid reflux.

Pomegranat­e juice and its chutney also help balance the acid in the stomach.

Fresh aloe vera gel straight from the leaf is balancing.

A teaspoon of baked fennel seeds taken three times a day between meals is soothing.

Grind two cardamoms, add 250ml of water and boil the mixture for 15min, sieve and drink.

Split mung dal, green leafy vegetables, grains, watermelon, honeydew melon, lettuce, mangoes, and spices such as fenugreek seeds, coriander, cardamom and mint should be included in your daily diet.

One cup of juice of carrots or cabbage should be taken daily.

Fasting can be an effective home remedy in curing problems of acid reflux.

Juice extracted from a piece of ginger and lemon helps in relieving acid reflux.

Paw-paw can help increase digestion

Fenugreek has the capability to absorb excess stomach acid and is rich in fibre, easing digestion

Yogic exercises and meditation keep your overall internal system and external system in good condition. Depression and anxiety worsens the acidity disease, so try to live a stress-free life for healthy and happy living.

Some of the most useful yoga postures are surya namaskar, sarvangasa­n, bhujangasa­n, naukasan, paschimott­anasan, vajrasan, bhastrika pranayam, sitali ptanayam and sitkari pranayam.

If you have persistent digestion problems, get checked by a medical specialist.

 ??  ?? Dr Sujnan Jain, an ayurvedic physician, provides natural
Dr Sujnan Jain, an ayurvedic physician, provides natural remedies

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