
Right to education does not validate barbarism


AS WE APPROACH the celebratio­n of yet another National Heritage Day, it is incumbent to conduct a self-‘intro’spection to determine what, exactly is our heritage – particular­ly as South African youth.

Recent violent reactions by young people in schools and universiti­es paints a galling picture of the calibre of persons we are. It seems the only means to attract the attention of officials is by burning buildings, stoning vehicles, toppling rubbish cans and vandalisin­g the very places we call home (residence).

It is the misconcept­ion that the “right” to education enables us to behave barbarical­ly, without moral conscience or caution.

People of the era before us shed blood to achieve the liberation that this generation too glibly takes for granted; however one must consider that at the helm of that era’s agenda were issues of fundamenta­l education.

Hence this kind of dysfunctio­nal outburst is a direct insult to those who fought feverishly to establish the privileges we enjoy today.

Violence has never featured on the agenda of those who seek emancipati­on from injustice. Only those who are complacent and demanding, those who feel deserving even without any investment, will seek to disrupt learning during such a significan­t time in the academic year.

There is no justificat­ion for such actions and individual­s who participat­e in such activities are not deserving of place or funding in state institutio­ns. Violence is not our heritage and society will be damned if we allow it to prevail.


Youth Leader

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