
What’s in a name, Sugar Rush?

- Jalebi with Jolene Marriah

DO YOU like your name?

Have you ever wondered what you would have named yourself if given the choice?

Not liking your birth name is nothing new for many people.

There are those people who have their identity book name and their calling name.

Don’t act posh like you don’t know.

The Strinivasu­devans, who go by the name of Mark.

Thank God there was no Facebook or Twitter in the 1950s; imagine trying to stalk this guy. The drama! Anyway, it’s not nice to talk about other people when it’s happening in your own family.

My mother has a beautiful South Indian name, Suryakumar­ee, which translates into the rising of the sun.

She has three calling names, Salo, Saloshnee and Lovey (only my father called her that).

Anyway, my mother is not alone.

I don’t particular­ly like my name either.

And Dolly Parton hasn’t made it easier for me. While she initially said her song Jolene was about a little red-haired girl who attended her concert, she has since changed her tune, saying Jolene actually worked in a bank and had a crush on her husband.

When people ask if I heard the song, I actually tell them I was named after it.

That shuts them up instantly.

But the youngsters of today have modern names.

A friend noted with concern that it is sad that parents of today are losing their heritage and culture by choosing more western names like Paige, April, June, and blah blah blah.

But youngsters are still not happy. I know someone who has changed her name to Jezebel.

Some girls even go by the name Sugar Rush, Sexycandy 7777.

A girl I know, Anne, has now demanded we all call her Ané.

And while most people have opted for modern names, there are still those looking to the Holy Scriptures to get their children's name.

Imagine having some holy name and then on Instagram going as Sexyjazzy. Really?

I find it hilarious that people aren’t proud of the names their parents gave them.

On Instagram, wanna-be celebs stick ‘I AM’ in front of their names.

And if you must know, I AM JOLENE MARRIAH.

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