
Small Brinjal Curry


18 -20 small brinjals with stems 50ml olive oil ¼ tsp mustard seeds 1 tbs ghee (clarified butter) 1 tsp salt 1 cup water (add more or less, as desired) 1 tsp brown sugar 6-8 green chillies, slit in half Handful chopped coriander

Grind together to form wet masala: 2 medium red onions or 2 cups diced shallots 1 large ripe tomato 4 sprigs fresh tender curry leaves 2 cloves garlic 1 - 2cm piece ginger 4 tsp cumin seeds 2 tbsp sambhar powder

Lightly scrape the stems of the brinjals and at the bottom slit them halfway, criss-cross, while still keeping them intact. Rinse and soak in salted water for 5 minutes. Stuff ground masala in brinjal – keep excess masala aside. Heat oil in a medium-sized pot. Add mustard seeds, and once they pop, gently toss in the brinjals. Cover with lid immediatel­y, turning down the heat. Give it a good swirl and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add balance of masala and salt – give it another stir. Cook on medium heat with the lid on, occasional­ly stirring to make sure it does not burn. Cook for 10 minutes. Pour in water, add chilli and cook until brinjals are tender and oil floats. Cook for 15 - 20 minutes. (Cooking time depends on the size of brinjals.) Spoon in ghee at the very end. Serve with steaming hot white rice and vegetable pickle.

Hint: Try to keep all the brinjals the same size. This will ensure they all cook evenly at the same time.

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