
Tips to curb anger


CHARMAINE Holland of the Anger and Stress Management Centre provided the following tips to curb anger:

● Remove yourself as quickly as possible from any volatile situation. Walk away, drive away, take time out when you feel yourself becoming angered. Remember your life is more important than winning, getting your point across, or even having your say.

● Calm yourself by breathing deeply and/or using a calming strategy of counting backwards from 100. This will immediatel­y distract you from what has triggered your anger and will assist you in thinking rationally.

● Don’t take things personally as you are likely to feel hurt or upset, and then become angry. You will want to hurt them back, and may get locked into a vicious revenge cycle which can have devastatin­g consequenc­es.

● Don’t jump to conclusion­s and assume things, as this will cause you to become angry and react inappropri­ately.

● Remind yourself that everyone has a different outlook on life and opinion and it’s okay if others don’t think alike or agree with you. When others differ or even criticise you, it doesn’t mean that they are right, so let it go.

Holland said that being angry put one at risk physically and emotionall­y.

“If you are often angered or stressed, it is best to get help to manage these feelings and behaviours before they manage you.”

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