
‘My safety is compromise­d – and my children’s’



ROBBED, assaulted and thrown into oncoming traffic. If that was not traumatic enough, days later the victim was made to relive the incident by identifyin­g the suspects – face to face during an identity parade at the Inanda police station.

The victim, a Phoenix mother, says she feels her rights have been violated and has lost all confidence in the police.

“About a month ago I was robbed near my home in Brookdale,” said the woman, who wished to remain anonymous.

“Two men held me up at knife point and stole my bag containing my wallet and cellphone, but before running off they pushed me into oncoming traffic. I was lucky not to have been knocked down.”

The ordeal, which lasted about 15 minutes, left her constantly fearing for her safety.


“Three days later I received a call from the investigat­ing officers informing me that they had found my bag and I needed to go to the Phoenix police station to pick up my valuables. I arrived at the station and was told that they had a few suspects in custody, and asked if I would be willing to participat­e in an identity parade.”

The woman said she agreed, thinking her identity would be protected.

“I thought about all the other woman these men may have robbed or even hurt and agreed to assist.


“I was taken to the Inanda police station where the suspects were being held.

“At the station I was taken to a room and to my shock I came face to face with 14 men including the two who robbed me.”

The woman said she was in shock and all she could think about was running off.

“I was so scared and I assumed my identity would be protected through a two-way mirror. All I could think about was leaving, and out of fear I told police I could not remember what the men looked like.”

Since the ordeal the woman says she has been looking over her shoulder.

“I have a family and children.

“The police have not only compromise­d my safety but that of my children.

“I constantly think these men are going to come back for me. It’s a living nightmare.”

Identity parades are key to the prosecutio­n of crimes, but what happens when victims’ identities are compromise­d? CHARLENE SOMDUTH speaks

to a complainan­t, to the police and to independen­t experts.

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