
Time to eat less, move more


I’M AT that age. Somewhere in between 20 and 40. “The Thirties” group.

And while it comes with all the perks of feeling a little bit more settled in life, it’s the age where you are neither here nor there.

Although settling down, acquiring property and getting educated is at the forefront, one of the harsh realities you learn as you get older is that one thing money cannot buy is health.

That sad reality materialis­es with the number of people in your group taking medication­s for high cholestero­l, diabetes and high blood pressure.

I was listening to a financial advisor recently who was talking about dread disease cover. He told me there were four things that trigger ill health: hereditary factors right at the top, followed by stress, lifestyle and diet. And while hereditary factors are not something you can do much about, diet is.

I think many of us are the authors of our own destinatio­ns. For too long we live with the excuses.

“Look at Uncle Bobby, he never drank or smoked a day in his life and look how he had heart”, meaning a heart attack. No one considers that Uncle Bobby probably ate food soaked in oil and never exercised.

People are becoming more aware that “running fowl curry” cooked on the outside fire isn’t the answer every Saturday, just because it worked for our forefather­s (who, by the way, walked far more than we did).

They are opting for a healthier diet. The extremists are going for a Banting and gluten free diet. Good for them. But exercise is something that is really overlooked. Diabetes awareness calls for people to walk at least 20 minutes three times a week.

Our newspaper recently held a 5km/10km fun walk and thousands of people participat­ed. Which means that thousands are capable of walking 5-10km.

For too long we look for excuses (“no time”, “it’s not safe”, the list goes on).

Make time. You are never too old or too young to start exercising; it’s one measure that will hold you in good stead. Besides, it’s the best way to catch up on gossip.

My mouth has been doing it for years and you should see my jawline.

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