
Teen aiming for Midmar Mile win and championsh­ip gains


PHOENIX swimmer Wasim Ramatulla hopes to emerge a winner in next month’s Midmar Mile.

Wasim, 14, is among the top contenders for honours in the junior section of the Midmar Mile, said to be the world’s largest open water swimming event

The Woodview Aquatic Club swimmer finished a creditable ninth in last year’s race.

His hope for a podium finish this time around is buoyed by his third place finish last month in the 1 500m Capital K event, also at Midmar Dam.

“I’m hoping to finish among the top three or even win the Midmar Mile,” he said.

About 6 000 other entrants are expected to be swimming along with Wasim in the junior category.

If this Grade 8 Northmead Secondary pupil is able to power his way to victory, he will be the first swimmer of colour to achieve such a feat in the 40 yearold event.

While Midmar might be the main thing on his mind right now, February and March are likely to be busy months for Wasim.

Trials for the KZN Schools Swimming team are also part of Wasim’s February schedule.

This level 3 three swimmer hopes to make the team again, having being selected for the past two years.

His commitment­s for March will include the SA Open Water Championsh­ips, to be held in Port Elizabeth.

He qualified for that event on the back of his Capital K performanc­e.


Every aspiring swimmer wants to be a part of the SA National Championsh­ips, also in March, because it attracts all the top competitor­s.

Wasim has qualified for eight events in the championsh­ip, ranging from the 50m freestyle to his favourite, the 1 500m freestyle.

“I want to win everything and be the best, but my dad (Nizam) wants me to stay focused and take one race at a time.

“This gala is the highlight of the season. I’m looking forward to it because it is being held in Durban,” he said.

Ramatulla said it was only through “dedication and discipline” that his son had been able to make great strides in the sport.

A typical day for the youngster starts and ends with swimming practice, with gym work in between.

For the past three years, Wasim has been receiving specialist coaching, five days a week, as part of the “KZN Fast Track Team”, which is a developmen­t initiative of Swimming SA.

“I can’t express in words how proud I am of what my son has achieved.

“I don’t mind making sacrifices to ensure he’s doing his best,” said Ramatulla, who also coaches his son.

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