
Identifyin­g real vegetarian foods


DB Rampurthab has correctly and justifiabl­y raised valid issues with regard to preparatio­n of vegetarian meals in restaurant­s (“Vegetarian­s getting raw deal”, POST March 8, 2017), and requests for the SA Hindu Maha Sabha’s interventi­on.

The SA Hindu Maha Sabha’s trademark for identifyin­g vegetarian products is the Shuddha logo. Vegetarian­s are urged not to purchase products which do not display the logo – as the ingredient­s may be questionab­le.

On the positive side, food manufactur­ers are realising the importance of the logo and its impact on the vegetarian and the Hindu community. Hence accreditat­ions are growing. Certificat­es are issued to accredited manufactur­ers on an annual basis.

We have received complaints about restaurant­s and fast food outlets which do not strictly cater for vegetarian­s. In fact, we receive daily complaints from concerned vegetarian­s. Site visits revealed that the same fridges, warmers, grills, fryers and toasters are used to prepare vegetarian and nonvegetar­ian meals, and some restaurant­s have argued that it was not commercial­ly viable to have separate facilities. The management of many of the

fast food franchises contended that very few patrons query their preparatio­n process.

The onus lies on patrons to persist with regard to their religious dietary needs. There are a few restaurant­s that cater only for vegetarian­s.

The SA Hindu Maha Sabha is currently marketing and promoting the Shuddha logo which “protects” vegetarian­s. We urge consumers to refrain from engaging the services of any manufactur­er or restaurant in which contaminat­ion exists. The public can also play an important role by submitting a list of restaurant­s that cater for vegetarian­s, and those that do not comply. This will then be displayed on our website.

MALA SARUPDEO Convener: Shuddha Committee SA Hindu Maha Sabha

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